ملخص رسالة حيدر فاضل


Thy textuality linguistics consider from modern linguistics curriculum which is result from modern theories-fertilization and the ancient in equally .

     The idea of this curriculum formed focus on left seeing to sentence that it’s basic unit in linguistical analysis and goes toward full text and makesit away to analysis in order to stand on textual meaning in order be the text- text should be save in to agroup of basic criterions and this criterions : (( Cohesion ‘ Harmony ‘ Intentionality ‘ Acceptability ‘ Situaionality ‘ Intertexuality ‘ Informatively)) and from this criterions the most important is the is the (cohesion criterion) which known the hard cohesion between form parts for text .

     It’s care with linguistic devices which join between the elements formed for the part text or all text .

     From here the research was focus on agroup of devices which add characteristic to formal cohesion on the text .

   That is with observation and standing on it’s role in side the holy text which it’s very important and it’s (AL- Sahfih AL- Sajadeyeh for Imam Ali Ibn AL- Hussein ” peace be upon them which deceased in 95H) .

   So for that the of research was ((the cohesion in AL- Sahfih AL- Sajadeyeh study in text linguistics)) and it came distributed after introduction on three chapters that introduction dealts with terms and basic understandings form the textual view the most important reasons which led to develop linguistical research from the sentence to text futher more the tanding on understanding text and cohesion and devices of cohesion the chapter one dealt with phonetics devices which it’s participation in achieve of textual cohesion and that devices summarised with : ( Intonation , AL – Genass , AL-Saja) while chapter two focus on terms devices which reminders role cheive continuity inside the text .

   So it was distributed on two research : the first is repetition while the the second was the collocation .