ملخص رسالة مكاسب عبادي


In the name of God the Merciful

        The balanced studies are the kinds of studies which attract both researcher and Reade .

        It balance between two minds and shows the points of differences and similarities between them , as well as the researcher’s mind ; and this what creates a wide vast area of freedom which drift the research away from monotony of speech as if it was about one poet , In addition it this study contribute develops researcher ‘s literary faste in selectinig the appropriate fexts that suits the subject , which makes the researcher acritic                .    

       Perhaps the most important rationale for the balance between the poets Abu Bakr Rosin and son and Kia Ltinaysa as follows :

1- Their reputation for describing the nature more than purposes , as it was accompanied Rosin Broziath name, title, and a son and Kia poet dice and wine; making Ohaarhma – for this purpose – is rich in fertile material worthy of study and attention .

2-their reput ato for describing Nature more than other purposes – as it was accompanied Al-Sonawbary’s name with ferfile , And Ibn – Wakee was named , the Rose and mine Poet .

2- poets belonging to the same tribe, a tribe of Arab equivalents; with a long history, which gave birth to many of the poets and writers.

. poets lived in an era close – in the fourth century AH 3-

4- the similarity of the environmental conditions at both poets, as characterized by the cities of poets naturally beautiful witch had a positive effect on the same poets obsessed with the beauty of nature, and Focefaha Tghazla beauty.



         The required study plan divided into three chapters preceded by a Preface, and followed by a conclusion, while the Preface introduced – briefly – Highlights political, and social, economic, scientific, and literary in Aleppo and Egypt – birthplace of poets – as well as a brief overview of the lives of poets both, and the first chapter Speak about vocabulary of silent nature, including orchards, flowers, clouds, night, seasons, and the nightcap, and the second section dealt with the vocabulary of living nature, and the second section eating patterns technical picture, including images of visual and auditory, and gustatory, and olfactory, and the third chapter, the rhythm in two sections: the first: the rhythm of weight and rhyme , and other phenomena and other rhythmic ones; repetition, alliteration, and parallelism, and metrical modulation, and recycling.     while the Third chapter ensuring that they study includes study for the rhym and rhy them ,while the second one deals with other rhymic phenomena as repetition paro no masia , parallelism , …

         There,s adiversity in sources which the rsearcher relied on in this study from literature and history, biographies, and poetry books , as well as references that meant the technical side, and the rhetorical and stylistic, as well as a number of letters and periodicals on about Mamugod in proven sources and references.

       I can not in this instance, but that offer great thanks and gratitude to my teacher supervisor, Dr. Mohamed Hussein Abdullah Mahdawi, who was my brother dear before the milestone wise, has been lavished on the bounty of scientific, as long as the patience of the Zlatibor and my mistakes, and guided me for the Salah research , Fargo from Bari – the Almighty – to raise the amount, and is second to none would, he listens and responds.                                                                                        

         I do not claim this is perfect for my business; Valkamal to God alone, and Hasbi, I worked hard, and Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.                                                                                                  

