ملخص رسالة صالح موجد خلخال


If we say that the attention of the Arabs understanding of speech were not less than their care produced departing from the idea of ​​the basis of that very language is basically access to the meaning or intent, has tried to research to prove the existence of the effect of meaning in the detective grammatical, found in the book of the detailed explanation of Ibn yaiesh (643 AH ) field so broad, Volg through into this world was expansive title of the study ((guidance as to the meaning of the detailed explanation of the Ibn yaiesh))

Has necessitated the nature of the research that is distributed over four chapters preceded by a preface, followed by the conclusion of the search, The Boot, has shown a concept meaning grammar has been spotted in the first chapter statement meaning of grammar in the door of the Covenant, and specialize Chapter two study the meaning of grammar in th waste, and dealt with in Chapter three the study of meaning in grammar Prepositional , while the fourth chapter was held to demonstrate the meaning of grammar tools.


The researcher found a number of results, most notably the following:


1- Researcher found that Ibn yaiesh did not want to answer or object to Zamakhshari, he explains without objections stated that his goal as decoding locks.


2 – represents a detailed explanation of Ibn yaiesh blog grammatical inexhaustible trough in various walks of language, especially in the world of meanings as phishing, including veterans and narrators in the rules, and assets.


3 – The research revealed that Ibn yaiesh phenomenon singled express carefully and clear because it will help him to understand the first installation but if it violates the express meaning often takes the loop, trying to find meaning undue hand motif.