لمياء هلول حسن سلمان




         Mohammed Bin Abdul Melik Eban who is known with “Ibin Al zeyat ” was descended from a rich family worked in the oil trade . He was born in Baghdad in (173 A.H) . he was brought up and learned there under several scientists as Alyazeedi and Abu Ottman Al-Mazini . He acquired deeo and comprehensive education in language and literature. Occupying various managerial position like letters clerk, minister, and official of complaints. He obtained a great prestige from some caliphs for example , Al Muatasim Be Allah and Al-Wathiq Be Allah who gave him awide authority in the community management . His managerial policy is recognized with strictness and stress towards official . As a result to such policy , he was tortured in the same furnace which he made to torture his governors in . That was the end of his life.