إيثار عبود كاظم الفتلي

– Abstract –

The corruption managerial and financial and its effects economic and sociality in Selected Countries .

         The corruption managerial and financial, is one of the phenomenon, which face au the societies , in the world , in the past and present time . Also all the political systems , is suffered , from this phenomenon. In the past days , the activities of the corruption managerial , obtain only , on exploit , the domination , and excess of using , the finance , and so on , of another acts.

But , nowadays , this phenomenons , stand behind multi idea , because of the effect of the present international development , and the existing of glopolization concepts , and soon . so that , nowaday , this disease , become as it were , international phenomenon . Therefore the corruption managerial and financial , effect the development planning , and smash’ the interests of the human race , and exploit the people , also increase the violent , and the state of unstability , in all societies . so , the reasons of the managerial and financial , is economical managerial , social , and political , in addition of the internal and external reasons.

         Therefore , all this reasons , conduct to make against , the stability and economic development.

So , all the international reports , try to find suitable solutions , as a first step , in order to break into the suitable path of the economic development.

Nowaday , our country , regard as one of the nations which is suffer from the corruption managerial and financial . so that , we can said , this phenomenon disturb , our background , and backward , our development of all side .

Nijeria , is the second country of our study , also suffer from this disease , for , in spite of the natural resources , but , make for the poorest countries nowaday.

But Singapore , the poor country , get rid of , this disease , so that become one of the advance countries .

The study fall in to three basic chapters .The first one , devoted to examine the study framework . The second chapter dealt with the effects and cost of the corruption managerial and financial on the economic development . The third chapter was devoted to analyses the corruption managerial and financial in selected countries.

The study ended with several conclusions and recommendations.