مواهب بشير جاسم الاسدي


A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of some biochemical parameters on the heart functions in blood serum of 119 male and female patients of 30 to 59 – years old . compared with 126 healthy persons . groups were divided in to 3 categories according to the age : 1st categorie was 30 to 39 year old , 2nd categorie was 40 to 49 year old and 3rd categorie was 50 to 59 year old for both sex

The enzymatic activity of serum was determind for the following enzymes (Aspartate amino transferase , AST;Alanine amino transferase , ALT; Alkaline phosphatase , ALP; CreatinKinase isoenzyme,CK-MB).

Levels of GSH ; Uric acid ; concentration of Na+, K+and Ca+2 were also determined .                                                                                  

Results can be summarized as follow.                                          

* Asignificant increment (p<0.05)in the enzymatic activity of AST,ALT and CK-MB enzymes, Na+and K+ concentration . on the other hand , asignificant decrease(p<0.05) was found in Ca+2 con.and GSH in patients of MI

         Asignificant increase in AST,ALP and CK-MB enzymatic activity Na+and K+con. Of AP patients was optained . A marked decrease(p<0.01) in GSH con. was also noticed . Asignificant increase in AST, CK-MB enzymatic activity was also recorded . whereas , Na+and K+ con. Was significantly increase (p<0.05)in patients of HF from male of 1st group.                                        

* patients of second category gave asignificant effect (p<0.05) of enzymatic activity of AST,ALP and CK-MB and Na+, K,UA con. For the three patients cases . ALT, enzyme activity of patients of AP and HF within the same category was significantly increase . Ca+2 con. Was significantly increase in patients of MI but it decreased in patients of HF. GSH con. Was significantly decreased (p<0.05) in all illnes cases.                                          

* Male of the third group revealed a significant increase (p<0.05) in the enzymatic activity of AST and CK-MB of the three illnes cases. The activity of ALT enzyme increase in MI and HF patients . whereas Na+, K+and Ca+2con. increase in those of MI patients . Na and GSH con. Were significantly reduced (p<0.01) in HF patients                                                              

   *   No signs of infection with MI in the females of the 1st group . this group showed a significant increase (p<0.05) in the enzymatic activity of ALT, ALP, AST and CK-MB and Na+ con. With MI and HF patients . mainwhile GSH was decrease in both cases.                                                                                    

* A significant increase (p<0.05) of ALT, AST and CK-MB and Na+, UA con.in the 2nd group . on the other hand ALP and Ca+2con. Of MI patients were significantly decreased(p<0.01) in the females of the same group                                

AST and CK-MB activity as well as Na+,UA con. Were significantly increased whereas , ALP activity ,Na , UA con. Were significantly increased (p<0.01) in HF patients females whereas ALP activity and GSH con. Were markedly decreased (p<0.01) in all three illness cases of the same group .                                          

* Female of the 3rd group showed asignificant increment (p<0.05)in ALT, ALP, AST and CK-MB activity as well as Na+, UA con. Of MI patients. AP patients showed asignificant increase (p<0.05)in CK-MB activity and Na+,Ca+2 and UA con. ALP and ALT activity and GSH con.were significantly decrease . Female of HF patients showed asignificant increase (p<0.01) in CK-MB, ALP, AST activity and UA con. And a significant decrease(p<0.01) in GSH con. Of the same group