محمد جبار هادي يوسف الظالمي


This study Tries to have the organizational learning and its effect in achievement the competitive capabilities of the organization (a- comparative study for a sample of teachers opinion in the universities of the middle Euphrates). The scientific and technological changes with the basic transformations into the time of knowledge and information, all these make the change in institutions very necessary and the institutions must have the capability to acquire the knowledge through adopting the thought of the organizational learning which became one of the most modern administrational concept that has been adopted by the business institutions in the modern countries which achieved a great progress in the levels of the organizational learning.                                                   

To consider the dangerous challenges which the institutions live   in their shadow nowadays dictated and will dictated on them in the future necessity to have the capability for re- arranging their situations and make use of its scientific experiences. To activation these experi -ences in facing those challenges and changes, the institutions must get rid the traditional shapes and patterns and tries in fact to adopt the concept of organizational learning , and tries to translate this concept into real situation to support its competitive capabilities . such as these concepts are still its spred specific in organizational cultures meanings of these institutions although they have a lot of knowledge and applications learning even they have been happened by spontaneously techniques as strategies of the organizational learning .

   In spit of the organizational  learning importance, some institutions adopted it to support its competitive capabilities, we find the searched universities are still don’t realize the importance role of the organizational learning in achievement the competitive capabilities, and this is the problem which the study constrats on it and makes (puts) the suitable solutions for it as possible . this study tries to achieve a group of aims which are the following :-

  1. 1.Knowing the adopting range of the searched universities for the organizational learning which all of its dimensions in supporting their competitive capabilities.


  1. 2.Specify the contactbetween the organizational learning and their competitive capabilities with its dimension.
  2. 3.Specify the relationships effect between the organizational learning and the universities competitive capabilities.

 To achieve these, the study adopts a hypothesis design ( pattern)  explains the reasonable relationships among the study changes. To discover the nature of these relationships , it has been thrown many hypotheses described as primary answers which the study tri to prove its correctness range. On the same sequence, it has been thrown three main hypotheses which are the following :-

  1. 1.There is no contrast in theof the searched universities in adopting the study changes.
  2. 2.There is on a contact relationship with a statistical sense between the organizational learning and the universities competitive capabilities.
  3. 3.There is no a relationships effect with a statistical sense between the organizational learning sense and the universities competitive capabilities .

   To applicate this study in the field and test its suppositions , it has been chosen universities of the middle Euphrates ( Karbala, Babel, kufa, al- qadisai ) for their interested   in their population and scientific capabilities . these universities have great position on the cultural and social level, they provide the society  with scientific cadres , worthiness cadres. The has been used a referendum   document as a- main toll to collect all   polls of the field side . The amount of the sample for this study has reached to ( 300) members of the teaching staff in the universities of the middle Euphrates and according to the scientific degree ( prof . , Assist . prof ) . It has been used the statistical program spss– 12 –for windows for carrying out the statistical treatments . This study has reached to some conclusions are the following :-

  1. 1.The searched universities adopt the study changes in difference ways.
  2. 2.There is on existence in the contact relationships and immaterial effect with a statistical sense between the study changes in varying degree.

This study contains some recommendations which are the following:-

  1. 1.A necessity of adopting the searched universities , a comprehensive construct for organizational learning , work on increasing the learning culture in the universities , provide on environment which must be more suitable , encouraged and supported to realize the organizational learning importance in supporting its competitive capabilities, putting plans and programs work to activate the organizational learning dimensions on the universities levels.
  2. 2.Make care in drawing the necessary strategies to grow and develop teachers knowledge with their creative capabilities, discover them as a future investment which serve the knowledge , motivate and push them teacher tothem ( strategies ) to serve the universities aims and serves their future prospects .
  3. 3.Invite the searched universities to spread the organizationalconcept among the teaching staff , through holding meeting , symposium and make training programs which aim to the enlightenment for the role that plays the organizational learning in supporting the universities competitive capabilities .