التنمية البشرية في الفقه الإمامي

علي عبد عبد علي حمزة العارضي

التنمية البشرية في الفقه الإمامي  الماجستير في الشريعة  الإسلامية والعلوم الإسلامية 


Human development is one of the concepts that mean improving the human conditions in different areas of life, and the concept of development differs in different related areas, such as social, political, economic, and other development, as its development still attracts researchers and thinkers, and it is no secret to scholars that Islam has a comprehensive and complete project in human development This project stems from the revelation represented by the Holy Qur’an and the cleansed Sunnah that is prepared by the Imamiyyah and alive. Islam through its legislation and rulings, especially the School of the People of the House, peace be upon them. The people of the house, peace be upon them, included the human spirit, body, intellect, and behavior, and worked to develop his energies, his capabilities, and preserve his dignity and humanity By him before his birth until after his death from his wise legislations, the human being is the axis of frontal jurisprudence, as the person is the subject of interest in the laws in all times and is one of the highest values, and the frontal jurisprudence has dealt with all human issues on the level of the individual and society where the frontal jurisprudence is a developing jurisprudence that has absorbed All life developments that face a person over time, as the front jurisprudence gives the person all options And it gives him great freedom through secondary rulings and jurisprudence rules as the base of harm and dealt with the jurisprudence of the forefront of all facilities of life and worked to develop them in the aspects of worship, economic, political, social, judicial and other through important rules such as ((from his reality only and has a ruling)) as the front jurisprudence is within all rights Man and their different freedoms, such as civil and political liberty and personal freedoms, as it is a jurisprudence that provides man with human humanity and happiness in this world and in the hereafter