التنظيم القانوني للحقوق المالية للجنين الناشئة عن التلقيح الصناعي

خديجة اديب عبد زيد

            التنظيم القانوني للحقوق المالية للجنين  الناشئة عن التلقيح الصناعي       الماجستير في القانون الخاص


     Considered is Vaccination insemination is a form of reproductive development in the western world, and the Arab world, if reached it late, this method has become very effective and effective in treating and inability to reproduce, and its emergence was problematic from a legal and legal point of view, this technique, while not problematic in western societies, is that most of them do not care about legitimacy, ln Arab societies that are considered Islamic societies, this method has been problematic in terms of legitimacy, especially since this process took place outside the framework of the marital relationship as most Muslim jurists did not allow such a process and therefore does not recognize the fetus generated from this process any rights, whether finical or non-finical as the right to descent, when the process occurs and the embryo is established by the jurists who do not recognize it, the fetus becomes the son of adultery and the provisions of the son of zina are applied to it and then does not deserve anything from owner of the sperm and attributed to his mother and deserve all rights, as for the difference of religion the fact that the process may occur two people of two different religions, according to Islamic jurisprudence that the difference of religion is a barrier to inheritance, as for the commandment, it is prohibited to move in the immovable property without the requirement of reciprocity.