الافتراض الصّرفيّ في كتاب المقتضب للمبرّد

 آيات جاسم حسين الحسناوي              الافتراض الصّرفيّ في كتاب المقتضب للمبرّد        الماجستير في اللغة العربية وآدابها / لغة


      The current thesis aims at clarifying the morphological supposition in Al Muktetheb” Book By Al Mubarrad which is considered as a linguistic book that combines grammar and morphology, where supposition represents the deep thinking stage in the vocabulary origin and estimating them to establish the language rules. The study was divided into four chapters.

       The first chapter was an introductory chapter entitled ” the morphological supposition – the concept, emergence, and reasons”, it was divided into two sections. The first was ” the supposition – a study in concept and entity”. I stated the supposition linguistically and terminologically. The second section dealt with ” the morphological supposition- the concept, emergence, and reasons” where I mentioned ” the supposition emergence ” then I tackled some of supposition reasons which can be a cause to supposition existence. This is in addition to a group of styles that the morphologists designed to know the supposition.

       The second chapter which is entitled ” the morphological supposition in verbs” was divided into two sections, each section discussed a number of morphological issues where I explained the supposition procedure through analysing Al Mubarrad’s texts and stating the ancients’ and the modernists’ in each issue. Thus, the first section was entitled ” supposition in the abstract verbs, while the second section was entitled ” supposition in the additional verbs”.

      The third chapter which is entitled ” the morphological supposition in nouns” had two sections. The first was entitled ” supposition in the abstract nouns”, and the second was entitled ” supposition in the additional nouns” where I took a number of nouns in different issues and clarified the supposition and the concerning the ancients’ and the modernists’ opinions in each item and I discussed them.