ملخص رسالة ضياء عماد عبد

Family ties in the poetry of Al-Farazdaq

       It’s not a a secret that the poet Al-Farazdaq aware of the flags of Arab poetry throughout the ages, and the Umayyad period specifically ؛ He is one of the leading and famous poets of that time , He has been classified in the first layer of layers donating poets Islamists, as explained by Ibn Sallam Al- Jumahi (d. 231 AH) It is one of the most prominent poets who have given us the art of poetry and stand-alone reverse clearly to the parameters of the age and the events and developments – known as (the art of antitheses). Therefore his poetry gained great attention and great care is being closely literary, and political, social and economic, witness to the times and his expressive best expression.

     And it’s not secret to everone that Islam has revolutionized reformist quality and comprehensive many of the concepts and misconceptions that were constrain mentality of the Arab and controlled by the pre-Islamic era, especially with regard to the system of family, on the grounds that it block the first foundation to form a community of communities and hence the validity means reform society as a whole and vice versa.

     Perhaps one of the most prominent issues highlighted by Islam in the revolution of reform of the system is to emphasize the link between members of links and bonds of positive and effective, which is who made the Arab nation – and thanks to the influence of Islam – outweigh all other nations to adhere to pray and the family’s relationships and submitted to the other links and bonds of other , Therefore we are not surprised when we find that these links have formed a significant phenomenon in the poetry of Al- Farazdaq – especially those he realized the dawn of Islam – so that his Collection of poems is a huge epic family almost exclusively.

     Based on the high status of Al-Farazdaq, and high poetic ability and great interest in the subject of the family and their links, be the main motive for the fight in the midst of this study, as well as that this type of study – and within our humble research – no one not wrote it except Master in the College of Arts, University of Baghdad, titled “family ties in Arabic poetry before Islam,” the researcher was Hamid Adam Thuwaini, and so in 1981, has printed it as a book, and conducted by an amendment in the title became to become “The social poetry and family in Arabic poetry ” in 2008 . And This is – without doubt – has contributed to an increase in motivation, especially since the first faced by graduate student after the completion of the first stage of which is difficult to choose a theme, or come up with a new approach.

     After confirming the safety of the subject and not in search of his former ways, we set out to develop a plan governing the material form the study were as follows :

     Preface : highlighting the features of the reality of the family and their links or relationships between perception of ignorance and the teachings of Islam .

   First chapter : The poet interested in showing his relationship with his small family , and we mean by his family, the nearest small family member only (members of the house) and we have found – through his poetry – that has strong links to members of this family , and has been divided along four axes , the first his relationship with his grandfather and with his father , the second , his relationship with his wives , the third , with his sons ,and The fourth, where we talked to some of the other links, such as his relates to his mother, his brother, his uncle, and other links .

     Second chapter : Ensure that demonstrate the poet links his large family, and we want by large family large “tribe” and what emerges from it. Having examined his poetry that expressing his relates with his family, we found that it is moving in two opposite directions , the fist is the positive in Which form the purpose of pride prominent phenomenon , therefore divided into two parts:, The first : Personal pride based on the tribe , and the second : Collective pride-based tribe also , Each section included a number of themes that varied according to the significance hired for it and this poems and the First Section included three axes : the proportion of the tribe and the second Tribe defense by hiding by it . And the third his defense of the tribe and to protect its existence . The second section, which included five axes, first: lineage and the honor of counterfoil , The second pride and the patience , and the third generosity and Leasing, and the fourth coalition and frequent enemy, the fifth courage and horsemanship. And the second direction to this family ties poetry is the negative . It is that it was unfair to call this label – for its lack compared with first, as well as it does not reflect at all on the lack of sincerity poet of his tribe, especially since most of the poetry that trend is going on personal attitudes tribal poet – but it’s such a trend different from the direction of the first.

The third chapter: deals with study the artistic phenomena in the poetry of Family ties , and Study two artistic sides in Al-Farazdaq family poetry , namely: Language, and the picture . In language we deal with two main parts : words and subdivided into four axes : words of family , Islamic words , persons and tribes and finally words of place . and the other main part is structures , and it’s also divided into four axes : Condition, presentation and delay, the objection, and the question . We studied the picture according to three methods : Simulators image, and the metonymic image , and metaphoric image .

       Conclusion: This is the last station of the study, which included the most important results of this research .