أحمد جايد بدر الحسناوي


This study deals with the economic aspects in Tekhrege al Delalat al Samia book of Ali bin Mohammed al-Khuzaie (passed 789 AH / 1386AD) .The study is divided to three chapters, the first chapter deals the general aspectsin Ali al Khuzaie time, and his life through three sections, the first is al Khuzaie time, the second is a study about his life, while the third section deals the methodology used by al Khuzaie in his book (Tekhrege al Delalat al Samia). The second chapter is the financial aspects in the book also examined the financial resources of Islamic state such as booty, al fa’a, tribute and the tax of the earth, and expenses of the funds in the tender caliphs,governors and workers. Chapter three discuss the crafts and trade dealt in the book, which is the title of the thesis at the era of the Prophet PBUHP, within three sections, the first is crafts and workmanship such as food processing, mineral and other, while the second part studies trade with its concept, divisions and their employees, then the monetary system, banking and state policy control to the traders and the market, while third section studies legitimate weights and pints used in the time of the Prophet in Mecca and Medina through two parts, the first is weights and the second for the pints, and after that trip seemed to us a number of research results, including:

(1) Since the author related to the State employees class, getting knowledge for the policy of the administration, and his belonging to the writers class ineighth century AH, this ability gave him to acquire the legacy of Islamic civilization in what economic transactions and other then recorded and exposure to the views of the doctrines of Islam, so he did not stick to al Malikidoctrine opinion.                                           .            
(2) He focusesin state funds, crafts and workmanship about legitimacy in the era of the Prophet PBUHP, with a bit news in al Rashidi era, what making the book as an integrated knowledge Encyclopedia of the administrative and economic history of the era of the Prophet PBUHP.                              

(3) The purpose of the author in his presentation the crafts, workmanship and economic work in the era of the Prophet is to prove its existence only, so he got many knowledge in spite of the less information present about the craft and the workmanship.
(4) There was a hidden goal to al Khuzaiein establishing the book, more than the public target,we can see that clear since the book as courtesy to the Sultan at that time, this givean impression that the book is extremely sought to assist the State in the other facilities management aspects by connecting the work with legitimacy.

(5) The author takes away in his book plane which the Prophet’s era to al Rashidi time, as well as some topics of the book from Umayyad and Abbasid time, such as the subject of money, weights and measures, so there is a justification for two reasons: In the first is to bring corroborating reports from al Rashidi era, since al Khuzaie such a time extension for the Prophet era in legitimacy, and the second reason represents that the author’s quest is to complete a historical development foran idea, or mentioned adoctrines difference of views on a subject at Prophet time, so he took another way to complete his idea .                     .
(6) Regarding to research ineconomic topics we can see a great turmoil in the historical narratives relating to the beginning of the booty and tribute, especially when compared to what is in the books of explanation and landing reasons .                     .
(7) The conflict inhistorical texts about the Head of war booty at the time of the Prophet, with multiple names of people assigned to this task in one battle, is to the large number of those spoils and an effort in distribution, this requires more than one person to do that task.                                       .
(8) There was a mystery in a number of Islamic news conquests which resulted in very significant economic provisions, such as the conquest of Khyber land, and whether was a force or not ? The result that is equal by force and vice .                     .
(9) Some results of the research violated the subject of weights and measures in Orientalist Hents study, depending on what al Khuzaie used, including the difference in the amount represents the sum of sixteen pounds, which was reflected on the difference in determining the pound.