نور مكي حميد الحسناوي


       As the world faces the challenges of educational and grea     learning from the vast amount of Information and communications technology and rapid output development of scientific and Technical progress and the enormous development in computer and information science. As a result of criticisms and drawbacks to traditional methods in handling and processing of information by students who mostly ignored the learning methods and ways of thinking and processing information by students and the acquisition of knowledge organization and representation and integration of knowledge building and retrieval and use in teaching positions and new life .

       The ways of thinking are the preferred methods of individuals acquiring knowledge and organize ideas and expression, a way in which individuals face the problems they face and try to find solutions in the best way, and ways of thinking have been identified in theory as a set of methods used by learner that deals with the information available to him as if to problems and situations.

       From that point of view the current search to detect common ways of thinking of the students returning depending on the sex variable, and identify methods of thought common to outstanding students depending on the gender variable and see statistical significant differences in ways of thinking when returning students and distinguished depending on the variable gender and type of students.

     To achieve these goals chosen equal sample of students returning and their peers for outstanding students of intermediate size (400) amounted to students from elite returning (200) students of achievers and (200) Students with high academic achievement.

       And detection methods of thinking used by middle school students from elite peers returning the researcher to build scale for common ways of thinking through the adoption of Sternberg’s theory and methods and after viewing the thirteen thinking methods adopted by the experts and Sternberg’s theory to extract value as A views of experts retained 10 techniques for thinking about it (Executive, legislative, estoppel, hierarchy Totalitarian, local, domestic, foreign, classic, liberal) and then formulated a researcher (7) paragraphs for each mode which is a measure of raw (70) a paragraph after the discriminatory power account (4) have been excluded from the paragraphs where the thinking methods of scale with final images (60) for each mode of thinking about five paragraphs and researcher of a scale stability test, the methods ranged from ten (0,72), (0,75) and Cronbach’s Alpha equation was reliability coefficient ranges from (0,73), (0,76) and verified Certified scale indicators of honesty and sincerity of virtual construction and also extract statistical indicators of the standard.

       After applying the scale sample research and statistical analysis of responses to achieve the research objectives.

Statistical methods were used for two separate second test and the chi-squared and Pearson correlation coefficient and -Cronbach’s Alpha-and variance analysis equation duo sprains and the flattening of the results of research:

1_ Occupied (totalitarian thinking) which is one of the first ways of thinking between thinking methods used that method is common for returning students and outstanding (male, female) while occupied (traditional thinking) came in last The common method for returning students (males)

2-is (legislative thinking) where first place while (thinking liberal) ranked last among the thinking methods used.

3-The common method for returning students (female) (liberal thinking) where first place while (thinking) ranked last among the thinking methods used.

4-Occupied (totalitarian thinking) and is one of the first ways of thinking between thinking methods used i.e. common method among outstanding students (male, female) while occupied (traditional thinking) came in last.

5_The common method of outstanding students (males) is (Liberal thinking) where first place while (thinking) ranked last among the thinking methods used.

6_ There is no difference with statistical significance depending on the sex variable between achievers (male, female) and returning (male, female) in ways of thinking (legislative, Executive, Estoppels, Hierarchy, Local Procedure, Traditional).

7-The difference is statistically significant, depending on the sex variable between achievers (male, female) and returning (male, female) in ways of thinking (Outer, Totalitarian , Liberal) and for females (with portraits and Antiquities)

8_The difference is statistically significant according to variable students (distinct , And they opposed) in ways of thinking (Legislative, Executive, Estoppels, Hierarchical, Authoritarian, Local income, Liberal, Traditional)

9_ The difference is statistically significant according to a variable of type student (distinct, they opposed) in (Outside thinking).

         In the light of the results of research by researcher to a number of conclusions were highlighted by the common method among returning students and distinguished from males and females is the Holistic thinking where ranked first among the thinking methods used.

      And also she get away (from) researcher that Traditional thinking ranked last among ways of thinking used by outstanding students and returning (male and female) in General.

researcher has recommended several recommendations highlighted the need to treat was thinking one of the main themes in teacher programmers and design programmers to develop ways of thinking when returning students and their peers and promote awareness of student achievers in ways of thinking and how to use scientific and practical life.

     Complementing current research and development has suggested a number of proposals notably researcher is conducting the study itself to different age groups, and also study of the detection methods of thinking to students and professional institutes for Poland.