رشا قاسم محسن السهلاني

Abstract :


             This study which is entitled (( Ruins in the Arabian thought before Islam in the book of Al–Muhbar for Mohammed Bin Habeeb Al – Baghdadi died in 245 A. H. /860 A.C. )) , it is considered of the most

important Arab History Studies Islam .


               I have mentioned by the first chapter of this thesis to the study of the general features of the character of Bin Habeeb and his scientific biography , It included three studies , the first study dealt with the life of Ibn Habeeb , the second study dealt with the nature of his age , the third study dealt with his methodology in the book of Al–Muhbar , through which We concluded that Ibn Habeeb is a genealogist , informer and an author for a group of publications , he has lived in the period of Abbasi caliphate and the distress of Quran creation , his book is considered as an eternal book . The second chapter of this thesis was entitled ” Ruins and their effect on the life and mind of Arab before Islam ” , it is divided into five studies , the first study under was entitled ” Ruins linguistically and idiomatically, the second study included the geographical situation of the Arab mind before Islam , the fourth study dealt with the Ruins of Arab in matters concerning their literature lives and minds , the fifth study was entitled ” The Ruins of Arab in matters concerning their scientific lives and minds , there was also a definition for the idiom ” Ruins ” , an explanation for the geographical situation of the Arabian peninsula and then the effect of the geographical factor , mentioning of the literary and scientific aspects in the life of Arab before Islam .


               The third chapter was entitled ” Religious Ruins for Arabs before Islam “,I have divided it into three studies , the first study was entitled “Description of prevailing religious life in the Arabian peninsula” , the second study was entitled ” The worshipping of planets , celestial bodies and spirituals “,the third study was entitled ” The Religious metaphysical perceptions in the Arabs before Islam ” , their religious lives was varied and had multi aspects , which greatly affected the life of Arabs before Islam , some was inherited and has continued till present , finally , the fourth chapter was entitled ” Social and economical Ruins and their effects in the life of Arabs before Islam , I have also divided it into three studies , by the first study there was the title ” Ruins and their effects on the habits and traditions of Arabs before Islam ” , the second study was entitled ” The Social Ruins and their effects on the life and society of Arabs before Islam ” , the third study was entitled ” The economical Ruins and their effects on the life and life-style of Arabs before Islam “, Arabs before Islam were practicing positive and negative habits , the social life represented in family life , marriage and divorce had an important effect on the life of Arabs before Islam . Ibn Habeeb has also mentioned the markets of Arabs considering them as one of the most important economical aspects , since it was the source of income for the Arabian before Islam .


             I have completed this thesis with a conclusion that included the most important results I have reached throughout this thesis . It also contained appendixes and a list of references .


               I hope that my Most high , Almighty Allah will grant me all the success in my this study about ” Ruins in the book of Al-Muhbir , All praise and thanks to Allah , the lord of the Worlds , Prayer and Peace be upon the best of messengers , our Master and Prophet and upon his pure and good households .