نظام الخلائف عند العرب حتى الهجرة النبوية

كوثر حسن هندي التميمي

نظام الخلائف عند العرب حتى الهجرة النبوية الدكتوراه في التأريخ الاسلامي


  The antecedent system of Arabs relates to our prophet Adam’s time  (peace be upon him) that found on earth. He was the first one that was appointed as successor by Allah Almighty on the earth. His appointing as successor was secular and spiritual. He emphasized worshipping and monotheism God .

  Later, his sons followed him till the caliphate reached to our prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him), who recommended to Al Imam Ali( peace be upon him) after him. This system was well-known by Arabs at that time when they were coming into power by submitting to their sons. Thus, kings, princes, and head of tribes were holding power from their fathers and appointing their sons or to somebody that is very qualified.

  The study was divided into five chapters preceded by introduction and followed by conclusion. The first chapter was entitled (antecedents. Their meanings and its mentioning in the holy books and the features required for the entrusted). It has four sections. The first dealt with the linguistic and terminological meaning of caliphs. The second was about caliphs items. The third tackled the caliph in the Quran and books of interpretations. The fourth was about the required characteristics of the caliph.                               

  The second chapter dealt with the political and administrative caliph system to Arabs before prophecy mission. It has three sections. The first talked about ways of appointing successors to Arabs before prophecy mission. The second was about the political caliph system for kings and princes of Arab peninsula before prophecy mission and appointing system. The third was about the administrative caliph system.                                                

 The third chapter was devoted to the social and economic caliph system to Arabs before prophecy mission. The first chapter was about the social caliph to Arabs and the second was about economic caliph system to Arabs before prophecy mission.                                                                            

  The fourth chapter was entitled  the secular caliph system to Arabs before honorable prophecy mission it is represented by two sections. The first was about prophets’ caliphs. The second was about the spiritual caliphs.                The fifth chapter which is entitled caliph system to Arabs after prophecy mission has three sections. The first was about the political life in Mecca after prophecy mission. The second about the preparation for building the prophet’s state(peace be upon him). The third dealt with the prophet’s recommendation to Al Imam Ali( peace be upon him) after him in accord with what was mentioned in the blessed Meccan  Quranic verses.                   

   I hope that my Most high ,  Almighty Allah will grant me all the success in my this study about ” The Caliphates System of Arabs Until TheProphets Immigration”, All praise and thanks to Allah , the lord of the Worlds , Prayer and Peace be upon the best of messengers , our Master and Prophet and upon his pure and good households .