ت | اسم الكتاب | اسم المؤلف | التزويد | التصنيف |
1 | Ccnp Route Lab Manual | 21103 | 004.6 C651 | |
2 | Implementing Cisco lp Switched Networks (Swltch) | Richard Froom | 21109 | 004.6 P962 |
3 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.1 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19486 | 030 F949 |
4 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.2 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19487 | 030 F949 |
5 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.3 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19488 | 030 F949 |
6 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.4 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19489 | 030 F949 |
7 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.5 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19490 | 030 F949 |
8 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.6 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19491 | 030 F949 |
9 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.7 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19492 | 030 F949 |
10 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.8 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19493 | 030 F949 |
11 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.9 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19494 | 030 F949 |
12 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.10 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19495 | 030 F949 |
13 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.11 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19496 | 030 F949 |
14 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.12 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19497 | 030 F949 |
15 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.13 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19498 | 030 F949 |
16 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.14 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19499 | 030 F949 |
17 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.15 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19500 | 030 F949 |
18 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.16 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19501 | 030 F949 |
19 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.17 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19502 | 030 F949 |
20 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.18 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19503 | 030 F949 |
21 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.19 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19504 | 030 F949 |
22 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.20 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19505 | 030 F949 |
23 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.21 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19506 | 030 F949 |
24 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.22 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19507 | 030 F949 |
25 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.23 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19508 | 030 F949 |
26 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.24 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19509 | 030 F949 |
27 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.25 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19510 | 030 F949 |
28 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.26 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19511 | 030 F949 |
29 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.27 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19512 | 030 F949 |
30 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.28 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19513 | 030 F949 |
31 | Funk&Wagnalls New Encyclopedia vol.29 | Norma H.Dlckey( edi) | 19514 | 030 F949 |
32 | Afield guide for science writers | Deborah blum mary | 20710 | 070,4495 A257 |
33 | The features of hussaini encyclopedia by Al- karbassi | AL-karbassi | 20282 | 032 k18 |
34 | Economic Report 1995/96 | Ministry of Finance | 5918 | 330.02 E17 |
35 | Academic Dictionary of Tourism | J.K.Krishan | 2029 | 330.3 A168 |
36 | The McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Modern Economics | 10981 | 3303, M111 | |
37 | Glossary of Stock Market Terms | Joseph Tooni | 10066 | 332.03 T668 |
38 | Glossary of Stock Market Terms | Joseph Tooni | 10060 | 332.03 T668 |
39 | The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Finance | Dean Paxson(edi) | 20375 | 332.03 T 374 |
40 | The Handbook of Mortgage Backed Securities | Frank J.Fabozzi | 1427 | 332 F112 |
41 | Legal Terminology | Zaid AL-Aqaileh | 21014 | 340.03 A656 |
42 | Legal Terminology | Hussein Ahmed Tarawneh | 19140 | 340.03 L496 |
43 | Wests business law | Kenneth w.clarkson | 21039 | 344.01 w 516 |
44 | Macmillan Dictionary of Retailing | Barry Davies | 20405 | 381.03B265 |
45 | La Langue des Gens de Robe | Maitre Salah Matar | 7941 | 403 A961 |
46 | The Courts' Language | Lynn.S.Matar | 7975 | 403 A883 |
47 | Dictionary of Workshop Technology English-French-Arabic | Samir Sayyed Mohammad Hassan | 17813 | 403 H353 |
48 | Dictionary of Optics&Acoustics English-French-Arabic | Mohamad AL- Nadi | 17810 | 403 D 545 |
49 | Dictionary of eiectronics | Hassan morsee | 1266 | 403 f 219 |
50 | Dictionary of geology | Hussein abddel –mohsen hussein | 5640 | 403 hu 696 |
51 | English-Arabic Dictionary of Accounting and Finance | Adnan Abdeen | 9913m | 657,03a135 |
52 | Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase And Fable | Ivor H.Evans | 630m | 423 E 92 |
53 | A dictionary of literary terms | Magdi wahba | 317 | 423 w136 |
54 | Illustrated Polyglottic Dlctionary of Plant Names | Armenag K. Bedevlan | 14953m | 630,3 B411 |
55 | Illustrated Polyglottic Dlctionary of Plant Names | Armenag K. Bedevlan | 14952 | 630,3 B411 |
56 | English Business Dictionary | P.H.Collin | 3537 | 420 C699 |
57 | E ncyclopa Aedia Britannica Almanac 2004 | Jacob E.Safra | 10429 | 423 E56 |
58 | Longman Dictionary of Common Errors | J.B. Heaton | 1379 | 423 H434 |
59 | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English | A S Hornby | 15142 | 423H814 |
60 | Adictionary of Discoukse Analysis | Nastaran Jafai | 9163 | 423D611 |
61 | Adictionary of Discoukse Analysis | Nastaran Jafai | 9162 | 423D611 |
62 | The American Heritage | 14967 | 423A512 | |
63 | Principles of Language Learning and Teaching | H.Douglas Brown | 24141 | 423B877 |
64 | BBC English Dictionary | 14971 | 423BBC111 | |
65 | Cambridge Internatioal Dictionary of idioms | 14970 | 423C178 | |
66 | Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary | 20404 | 423C 712 | |
67 | Collins Cobuild Learner's Dictionary | 20417 | 423C712 | |
68 | Collins Cobuild Learner's Dictionary | 20418 | 423C712 | |
69 | Oxford Dictionary of Current idiomatic English | 15056 | 423C874 | |
70 | Everyday American English Dictionary | Richard A. Spears(edi) | 1414 | 423 E93 |
71 | Everyday American English Dictionary | Richard A. Spears(edi) | 1415 | 423 E93 |
72 | Oxford Word skills | 22844 | 423 G144 | |
73 | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English | A S Hornby | 14455 | 423H814 |
74 | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English | A S Hornby | 9973 | 423H814 |
75 | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English | A S Hornby | 10736 | 423H814 |
76 | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English | A S Hornby | 3413 | 423H814 |
77 | Oxford Student's Dictionary of Current English | A S Hornby | 3495 | 423H814 |
78 | Longman Active Study Dictionary of English | Susan Maingay(edi) | 14963 | 423L848 |
79 | Longman Active Study Dictionary | 20395 | 423L848 | |
80 | Longman Active Study Dictionary of English | Susan Maingay(edi) | 14966 | 423L848 |
81 | Longman Active Study Dictionary of English | Susan Maingay(edi) | 14964 | 423L848 |
82 | Longman Active Study Dictionary of English | Susan Maingay(edi) | 14965 | 423L848 |
83 | Longman Essential Activator | 10440 | 423L848 | |
84 | Longman New Junior English Dictionary | 20416 | 423L848 | |
85 | Longman Handy Learner's Dictionary of American English | 14962 | 423L848 | |
86 | Longman Handy Learner's Dictionary English | 14968 | 423L848 | |
87 | Longman Dictionary of American English | 14961 | 423L848 | |
88 | Longman Dictionary of American English | 10439 | 423L848 | |
89 | Longman Dictionary of American English | 14960 | 423 L848 | |
90 | Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Basic English | 1357 | 423M568 | |
91 | Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Basic English | 14959 | 423M568 | |
92 | Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Basic English | 1363 | 423M568 | |
93 | The Merriam -Webster Thesaurus | A Merriam-Webster | 3417 | 423M568 |
94 | The Heinle Picture Dictionary | Jill Korey O'Sullivan | 20502 | 423 O 81 |
95 | Oxford Wordpowr Dictionary | Sally Wehmeier | 10027 | 423O98 |
96 | Pocket Fowler's Modern English Usage | Robert Allen(edi) | 1285 | 423P743 |
97 | Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching And Applied Linguistics | Jack C. Richards | 9218 | 423R514 |
98 | Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching And Applied | Jack C. Richards | 9217 | 423R514 |
99 | Random House Webster's College Dictionary | 16709 | 423R186 | |
100 | Random House Webster's College Dictionary | 16710 | 423R186 | |
101 | Dictionary of Literary Terms | Sharad Rajimwale | 2086 | 423R149 |
102 | Picture Dictionary | Norma Shapiro | 9179 | 423S529 |
103 | Dictionary of Quotation's | Joginder Singh | 1976 | 423S 617 |
104 | NTC's Dictioary of American Slang | Richard A. Spears | 1411 | 423S741 |
105 | NTC's Dictioary of American Idioms Dictionary | Richard A. Spears | 1410 | 423S741 |
106 | NTC's American Idioms Dictionary | Richard A. Spears | 1409 | 423S741 |
107 | NTC's Dictioary of American Slang | Richard A. Spears | 7565 | 423S741 |
108 | NTC's Dictioary of American Slang | Richard A. Spears | 1412 | 423S741 |
109 | The Concise Dictionary of English Etymology | Walter W. Skeat | 9146 | 423S627 |
110 | The Concise Dictionary of English Etymology | Walter W. Skeat | 9145 | 423S627 |
111 | Merriam-Webster'sGollegiate Dictionary | 6214 | 423W377 | |
112 | Merriam-Webster'sGollegiate Dictionary | 7888 | 423W552 | |
113 | Webster's New World Dictionary | 1461 | 423W377 | |
114 | Dictionary of Semantic Extenslons | Abdul -Fattah Abu-Ssaydeh | 14401 | 413.1A775 |
115 | A Dictionary of Economics &Commerce English-Arabic | 5971 | 423.1A235 | |
116 | A Dictionary of Economics &Commerce English-Arabic | 16218 | 423.1A235 | |
117 | Dictionary of Neurology English-Arabic | Sadek AI-Hilali | 17809 | 423.1A641 |
118 | AL-Rafeek AL -Jadeed | Ibrahim Ahmed EI-Mehdawi | 15279 | 423.1A136 |
119 | AL-Rafeek AL -Jadeed | Ibrahim Ahmed EI-Mehdawi | 15280 | 423.1A136 |
120 | ADictionary of Arabic Topography and Placenames | Nigel Groom | 17791 | 423.1G873 |
121 | Dictionary of Economics &Commerce English-Arabic | Akram A. Mo'men | 20905 | 330.3m732 |
122 | Dictionary of Economics &Commerce English-Arabic | Akram A. Mo'men | 20818 | 330.3m732 |
123 | New Webster's Dictionary | R.F.Patterson | 1375 | 423.1N532 |
124 | New Webster's Dictionary | R.F.Patterson | 1376 | 423.1N532 |
125 | The Oxford English-Arabic Dictionary of Current Usage | N.S.Doniach (edi) | 6306 | 423.1O98 |
126 | The Oxford English-Arabic Dictionary of Current Usage | N.S.Doniach(edi) | 15143 | 423.1O98 |
127 | Oxford Wordpowr | 14402 | 423.1O98 | |
128 | Oxford Wordpowr | 14403 | 423.1O98 | |
129 | Oxford Wordpowr | 14404 | 423.1O98 | |
130 | Oxford Wordpowr | 20410 | 423.1O98 | |
131 | Oxford Wordpowr | 20411 | 423.1O98 | |
132 | Encyclopedia of Communicative English Speaking Practice | Omar Shawky Salem | 20492 | 423.1O51 |
133 | Ntc's Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs | Richard A.Spears | 16903 | 423.1S741 |
134 | Ntc's Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs | Richard A.Spears | 16904 | 423.1S741 |
135 | Ntc's Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs | Richard A.Spears | 16905 | 423.1S741 |
136 | Translator's Companion For Internationally Established Abbreviations | Tarek E,Khater | 20465 | 423.1T772 |
137 | Harrap's Pocket Plus English- French Dictionary Dictionnaire | Michael Janes | 1287 | 423.4H296 |
138 | The study skills Handbook | Stella cottrell | 22794 | 423.07C846 |
139 | A Dictionary of Grammatical Terms in Linguistics | R.L.Trask | 9211 | 428.2T775 |
140 | A Dictionary of Grammatical Terms in Linguistics | R.L.Trask | 9212 | 428.2T775 |
141 | The Bedford Handbook | Diana Hacker | 10437 | 428.24H118 |
142 | Teaching Through Text | Michael C. Mckenna | 21074 | 428 ,4K34 |
143 | Astudy skills Handbook | Mike and glenda smith | 22839 | 428.4S642 |
144 | Reading skills Hand Book | Harveys.wiener | 22802 | 428,4W642 |
145 | A new dictionary of scientific and technical terms | Ahmad sh. Al-khatib | 13185 | 503A-578 |
146 | Anew Dictionary of Scientific &Technical Terms | Ahmad SH.AI-Khatib | 13186 | 503A578 |
147 | Longman Homework Handbooks Science | Christine Millican | 7614 | 503M654 |
148 | Dictionary of Scientific Biography | Marshall DE Bruhl | 15275 | 503 S 416 |
149 | Webster's Elementary Dictionary | 7588 | 503W377 | |
150 | Basic Mathematics Through Applications | Geoffrey Akst | 21201 | 510 A313 |
151 | A Textbook of Advanced Mathematics | Riyaz Ahmad Khan | 21187 | 510 K285 |
152 | A Textbook of Vector Algebra | Shanti Narayan | 21193 | 512 N218 |
153 | A Textbook of Vector Algebra | Shanti Narayan | 20431 | 512 N218 |
154 | A Textbook of Matrices | Shanti Narayan | 21186 | 512.943 N218 |
155 | Handbook of Geometric Topology | R.J.Daverman | 16044 | 514H236 |
156 | A Cademic Dictionary of Physics | Varun Shastri | 2007 | 530A168 |
157 | A Textbook of Oscillations,Waves And Acoustics | M. Ghosh | 21140 | 530 G411 |
158 | A Textbook of Sound | N.Subrahmanyam | 3526 | 534S941 |
159 | Academic Dictionary of Botany | Varun Shastri | 2046 | 540,3A168 |
160 | Academic Dictionary of Chemistry | Varun Shastri | 2028 | 540,3A168 |
161 | Dictionary of Blo Chemlstry | Henry James | 2012 | 54703.L882 |
162 | Dictionary of Chemlstry | David Cook | 2072 | 540.o3 L882 |
163 | A Textbook of Organic Chemistry | Arun Bahl | 19791 | 547 B151 |
164 | A Textbook of Organic Chemistry | Arun Bahl | 21167 | 547 B151 |
165 | A Textbook of Polymers | M.S. Bhatnagar | 21160 | 547.1 B575 |
166 | Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes | Alan J Barrett (edi) | 16051 | 572.76H236 |
167 | Textbook of Physiology and Biochemistry | George H. Bell | 15137 | 574.19B433 |
168 | Textbook of Biochemistry For Medical Students | A.V.S.S. Rama Rao | 10819 | 574.192 R216 |
169 | Textbook of Biochemistry | Edward Staunton West | 10839 | 574.192T355 |
170 | Encyclopedia of Environmental Biology vol. 1 a-e | William A.Nierenberg | 3609 | 574. 503E56 |
171 | Encyclopedia of Environmental Biology vol.3 0-z | William A.Nierenberg | William A.Nierenberg | 574. 503E56 |
172 | Membrane biology | S.g.pandalai | S.g.pandalai | 574.824 r294 |
173 | Textbook of Cytology | Walter V.Brown | Walter V.Brown | 574.87B877 |
174 | Textbook of Cytogenetics | Walter V.Brown | 15081 | 575.1B863 |
175 | Biotech's Dictionary of Genetic Engineering | Dinesh Arora (edi) | 2057 | 575.1B615 |
176 | Encyclopedia of Genetics | Jeffrey A. Knight | 15167 | 575 .1E56 |
177 | A Dictionary of Genetics | Robert C. King | 8885 | 576.5K52 |
178 | Flora of Iraq | C.C. Townsend | 6555 | 580.3F632 |
179 | Flora of Iraq | C.C. Townsend | 19245 | 580.3F632 |
180 | A T extbook of Plant Taxonomy | Suresh Kumar | 1974 | 581k95 |
181 | A Textbook of Plant Ecology | R.S. Shukla | 21241 | 581.5 S562 |
182 | A Textbook of Botany Angiosperms | B.P.Pandey | 21239 | 581.6 P189 |
183 | Laboratory Studies in Integrated Principles of Zoology | Cleveland P. Hickman | 21232 | 591H627 |
184 | A Text-Book of Zoology | T.Jeffery Parker | 15075 | 591P238 |
185 | A Manual of Practical Zoology Chordates | P.S. Verma | 21236 | 591.1 V522 |
186 | A Manual of Practical Zoology Invertebrates | P.S. Verma | 21237 | 592 V522 |
187 | A Textbook of Entomology | Herbert H. Ross | 15108 | 595.7R823 |
188 | Encyclopedia of medicine | Charles b. clayman | 24544 | 603 e 56 |
189 | Anew Dictionary of Scientific &Technical Terms English-Arabic | 16131 | 603 S416 | |
190 | Textbook of Medicine vol 1 | KV Krishna Das | 2049 | 610 D229 |
191 | Textbook of Medicine vol 2 | KV Krishna Das | 2050 | 610 D229 |
192 | Textbook of Community Medicine Preventive and Social Medicine | Sunder Lal | 15933 | 610 L193 |
193 | Chambers Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms | Martin H. Manser | 14969 | 610.3CH444 |
194 | Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary | A M Macdonald(edi) | 10835 | 610.3CH444 |
195 | A Dictionary Virology | Brian Wi mahy | 16040 | 610.3m214 |
196 | Aguide To The Nursing of The Aging | Charlotte Eliopoulos | 9651 | 610. 73 E42 |
197 | A Brief Atlas of the Human Body | Matt Hutchinson | 21340 | 610.7 A158 |
198 | Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine | Michael Eddleston | 21299 | 610.7 O98 |
199 | Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine | Murray Longmore | 21294 | 610.7 O98 |
200 | A Brief Atlas of the Skeleton,Surface Anatomy, and Selected Medical Images | Gerard J. Tortora | 21386 | 610.7 T676 |
201 | Textbook of Endocrinology | Robert H. Williams | 3688 | 610.7T355 |
202 | A Textbook of General Practice | Anne Stephenson | 21373 | 610.73A864 |
203 | Intravenous Medications | Betty L. Gahart | 16538 | 610.73G137 |
204 | Intravenous Medications | Betty L. Gahart | 16515 | 610.73G137 |
205 | Fundamentals of Nursing | Mary Ann Hogan | 11082 | 610.73H714 |
206 | Handbook of Operation Theatre Technigues | Arun B Kilpadi | 2063 | 610.73K48 |
207 | Clinical Practice Guidelines | Bonnie Wesorick | 16591 | 610.73W576 |
208 | Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics | Robert M.Kliegman | 21384 | 610.736N419 |
209 | Uroradiology :text and atlas | Suresh m.bakle | 21297 | 617.63b171 |
210 | Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary | A Merriam-Webster | 3759 | 610.3W377 |
211 | Concise Medical Dictionary | Nuri S. El-trug | 11686 | 610.3T 865 |
212 | Grant's Atlas of Anatomy | Anne M.R.Agur | 21322 | 611 A282 |
213 | Diflore's Atlas of Histology With Functional Correlations | Victor P. Eroschenko | 21346 | 611 E65 |
214 | Diflore's Atlas of Histology With Functional Correlations | Victor P. Eroschenko | 21347 | 611 E65 |
215 | Color Textbook of Histology | Leslie P. Gartner | 11945 | 611 G244 |
216 | Guide To Human Genome Computing | Martin J Bishop (edi) | 15982 | 611 G946 |
217 | Abdul-Samad's Practical Guide To Comparative Anatomy | A. A. Hassan | 20182 | 611 H353 |
218 | Basic Histology :text&atlas | Luiz Carlos Jungueira | 8792 | 611 J95 |
219 | Human Anatomy | Hogin McMurtrie | 633 | 611 M113 |
220 | Atlas of Human Anatomy | Frank H. Netter | 12086 | 611 N474 |
221 | A Reference Handbook of Nanotoxicology | M. Zafar Nyamadzi | 15954 | 611 N993 |
222 | Oxford Handbook of Clinical Examination and Practical Skills | James Thomas | 21302 | 611 O98 |
223 | Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy vol.1 | G.J.Romanes | 21327 | 611 R756 |
224 | Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy vol.2 | G.J.Romanes | 21381 | 611 R756 |
225 | Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy vol.3 | G.J.Romanes | 21382 | 611 R756 |
226 | Histology A Text and Atlas | Michael H. Ross | 3687 | 611 R823 |
227 | Sobotta :Atlas of Human Anatomy | R. Putz | 11950 | 611 S677 |
228 | Functional Histology:A Text And Colour Atlas | Paul R. Wheater | 2591 | 611 W556 |
229 | Gray's Atlas of Anatomy | 11948 | 611.00223 G784 | |
230 | An Atlas to Human Anatomy | Dennis Strete | 12110 | 611 S914 |
231 | Oxford Handbook of Urology | John Reynard | 21289 | 611.6 R459 |
232 | Oxford Handbook of Urology | John Reynard | 21288 | 611.6 R459 |
233 | Grabb's Encyclopedia of Flaps | Berish Strauch(edi) | 9633 | 611.7 G727 |
234 | Oxford Handbook of Rheumatology | Alan J.Hakim | 21293 | 611.7 H155 |
235 | Essentials of Neural Science And Behavior | Ronald Calabrese | 1471 | 611.8 E 78 |
236 | Oxford Handbook of Neurology | Hadi Manji | 21282 | 611.8 O98 |
237 | Oxford Handbook of Neurology | Hadi Manji | 21283 | 611.8 O98 |
238 | Anatomy &Physiology :Laboratory Textbook | Harold J. Benson | 16493 | 612A535 |
239 | Understanding Medical Physiology:Atextbook for Medical Students | R. L. Bijlani | 2073 | 612 B576 |
240 | Hewer's Textbook of Histology For Medical Students | S. Bradbury | 2607 | 612 H598 |
241 | Human Physiology | E. Babsky | 2609 | 612 H918 |
242 | Human Physiology | E. Babsky | 2520 | 612 H918 |
243 | Anatomy &Physiology :Laboratory Textbook | Stanley E.Gunstream | 16624 | 612 G535 |
244 | Anatomy &Physiology | Stanley E.Gunstream | 16722 | 612 G675 |
245 | A natomy and Physiology | Jecqueline A. Homan | 16553 | 612 H763 |
246 | Atlas of Human Anatomy | Inderbir Singh | 2066 | 612 S617 |
247 | Anatomy&Physiology:The Unity of Form and Function | Kenneth S. Saladin | 18036 | 612 S159 |
248 | Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses | Indu Khurana | 21363 | 612.01 K45 |
249 | Textbook of Biochemistry With Clinical Correlations | Thomas M. Devlin(edi) | 21246 | 612.01 T355 |
250 | Cytokine Reference | Joost J. Oppenheim(edi) | 16048 | 612.11 C994 |
251 | Cytokine Reference | Joost J. Oppenheim(edi) | 16049 | 612.11 C994 |
252 | Textbook of Oral Medicine | Anil Govindrao Ghom | 2052 | 612.31G411 |
253 | Textbook of Ear,Nose and Throat Diseases | Mohammad Magbool | 2095 | 612.31 M188 |
254 | Dr.Jensen's Guide to Body Chemistry&Nutrition | Bernard Jensen | 16466 | 612.39J51 |
255 | Study Guide to Accompany Adult Health Nursing | Brenda Goodner | 15169 | 613 G573 |
256 | Study Guide to Accompany Maternity Women'sHealth Care | Deitra Leonard Lowdermilk | 9724 | 613 L912 |
257 | Oxford Handbook of Occupational Health | Julia Smedley(edi) | 21298 | 613 O98 |
258 | Oxford Handbook of Public Health Practice | David Pencheon | 21300 | 613 O98 |
259 | Study Guide to Accompany Understanding The Human Body | Phil Tate | 10849 | 613T216 |
260 | Nutrition o9/10 | Dorothy klimis-zacas | 18136 | 613,2 n976 |
261 | Nutrition o9/10 | Dorothy klimis-zacas | 18138 | 613,2 n976 |
262 | Clinical Chemistry:Theory,Analysis,Correlation Part I | Lawrence A. Kaplan | 11679 | 614 C 41 |
263 | Clinical Chemistry:Theory,Analysis,Correlation Part II | Lawrence A. Kaplan | 11680 | 614.0756 C641 |
264 | A Practical Guide to Pharmaceutical Care | John P. Rovers | 8858 | 615.1 PR 895 |
265 | Pharmaceutical Care Practice | Robert J. Cipolle | 8932 | 615.1 C577 |
266 | Drug Information:A Gulde For Pharmaclsts | Patrick M. Malone | 8942 | 615.1 D794 |
267 | Atext book of Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Jay ashree Ghosh | 14957 | 615.1 G411 |
268 | Goodman&Gilman's Manual of Pharmacology And Therapeutics | 12026 | 615.1G646 | |
269 | Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs | Rosemary R. Berardi | 8630 | 615.1 H236 |
270 | The Pharmacy Practice Handbook of Medication Facts | Harold L. Kirschenbaum | 8941 | 615.1 K61 |
271 | Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Medicine | Stephen Chapman | 21284 | 615.1 O98 |
272 | Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Medicine | Stephen Chapman | 21285 | 615.1 O98 |
273 | Pocket Guide to Commonly Prescribed Drugs | Glenn N. Levine(edi) | 8812 | 615.1 P739 |
274 | Basic Concepts Pharmacology | Janet L. Stringer | 8620 | 615.1 S918 |
275 | A Practical Guide to Contemporary Pharmacy Practice | Judith E. Thompson | 8834 | 615.1 T452 |
276 | The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs | James J. Rybacki | 8836 | 615.13 R988 |
277 | Organic Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Chemistry | John H. Block | 8917 | 615.19 W664 |
278 | Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology | Drew Provan | 21290 | 615.5 O98 |
279 | Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology | Drew Provan | 21291 | 615.5 O98 |
280 | Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology | Drew Provan | 21292 | 615.5 O98 |
281 | Textbook of Palliative Medicine | Eduardo Bruera(edi) | 21321 | 615.5 T355 |
282 | Pharmacotherapy Handbook | Barbara G. Wells | 8938 | 615.58 P536 |
283 | Radiographic Anatomy, Positioning and Procedures Workbook vol.1 | Steven G. Hayes | 9641 | 615.84 H417 |
284 | Merrill's Atlas of Radiographic Positioning &Procedures | Eugene D. Frank | 11938 | 615.84 M571 |
285 | The year book of diagnostic radiology 1983 | David g.bragg | 9758 | 615,84 T374 |
286 | The year book of diagnostic radiology 1983 | David g.bragg | 9764 | 615,84 T374 |
287 | The year book of diagnostic radiology 1983 | David g.bragg | 9702 | 615,84 T374 |
288 | Biotech's Dictionary of Toxicology | Dinesh Arora (edi) | 2036 | 615.9 B615 |
289 | Dreisbach's Handbook of Poisoning | Bev-Lorraine True | 21398 | 615.9 T865 |
290 | Atlas of Internal Medicine | Eugene Braunwald | 12074 | 616 A881 |
291 | Muir's Textbook of Pathology | David A Levison(edi) | 21304 | 616 M961 |
292 | Atlas of Emergency Medicine | Kevin J. Knoop | 12103 | 616.02 A881 |
293 | Curran's Atlas of Histopathology | R.C.Curran | 21375 | 616.07 C976 |
294 | Handbook of Pathophysiology | Joan P. Frizzell | 16404 | 616.07 H236 |
295 | Textbook of Pathology | Harsh Mohan | 2068 | 616.07 M697 |
296 | Mosby's Guide To Physical Examination | Henry M. Seidel | 18350 | 616.075 M794 |
297 | Braunwald's Heart Diseae:A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine vol 1 | Peter Libby | 11939 | 616.12 B825 |
298 | Braunwald's Heart Diseae:A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine vol 2 | Peter Libby | 11940 | 616.12 B825 |
299 | Textbook of Clinical Electrocardiography | SN Chugh | 2096 | 616.12 C559 |
300 | Oxford Handbook of Cardiology | Punit Ramrakha | 21303 | 616.12 R165 |
301 | Clinical Electrocardiography :Review and Study Guide | Franklin H. Zimmerman | 12050 | 616.127Z72 |
302 | Color Atlas of Oral Diseases in Chidren and Adolescents | Crispian Scully | 3739 | 616.31 S437 |
303 | Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine vol.1 | Klaus Wolff | 12057 | 616.5 F559 |
304 | Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine vol.2 | Klaus Wolff | 12056 | 616.5 F559 |
305 | Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology | Klaus Wolff | 21341 | 616.5 W853 |
306 | Essential Urology:A Guide to Clinical Practice | Jeannette M. Potts(edi) | 12083 | 616.6 E 78 |
307 | Diseases of The Kidney vol.1 | Robert W. Schrier(edi) | 2985 | 616.6 D611 |
308 | Diseases of The Kidney vol.2 | Robert W. Schrier(edi) | 16731 | 616.61 D611 |
309 | Diseases of The Kidney vol.3 | Robert W. Schrier(edi) | 16732 | 616.6 D611 |
310 | Handbook on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia | Professor Geoffrey(edi) | 9747 | 616.6 H236 |
311 | Textbook of Clinical Neurology | Christopher G. Goetz | 12102 | 616.8 T355 |
312 | Companion to clinical neurology | William pryse-phillips | 9768 | 616,803 p973 |
313 | Companion to clinical neurology | William pryse-phillips | 9647 | 616,803 p973 |
314 | Handbook of Icu Therapy | Ian McConachie | 12027 | 616.89 H236 |
315 | Health Psychology: A Textbook | Jane Ogden | 11782 | 616.89 O34 |
316 | Oxford Handbook of Mental Health Nursing | Patrick Callaghan(edi) | 21301 | 616.89 O98 |
317 | Modern Parasitology :A Textbook of Parasitology | F.E.G. Cox | 494 | 616.9 M689 |
318 | Oxford Handbook of Oncology | Jim Cassidy(edi) | 21286 | 616.994 O98 |
319 | Oxford Handbook of Oncology | Jim Cassidy(edi) | 21287 | 616.994 O98 |
320 | Davis-Christopher Textbook of Surgery vol.1 | David C.Sabiston | 9790 | 617. D261 |
321 | Davis-Christopher Textbook of Surgery vol.2 | David C.Sabiston | 9746 | 617. D261 |
322 | Zollinger's A tlas of Surgical Operations | Robert M. Zollinger | 12117 | 617 Z86 |
323 | The Surgical Word Book | Claudia J. Tessier | 9731 | 617 T414 |
324 | Encyclopaedia of Anatomy and Exercise Physiology | Sushma Ghildyal | 20444 | 617.1027 G422 |
325 | Atlas of Pediatric Emergency Medicine | Binita R. Shah | 11929 | 617.11 S524 |
326 | Atlas of Cardiac Surgical Techniques | Frank W. SeIlke(edi) | 21353 | 617.41 A881 |
327 | A Dvanced Endourology:The Complete Clinical Guide | Stephen Y. Nakada | 12084 | 617.46 A244 |
328 | Textbook of Human Neuroanatomy | Inderbir Singh | 2039 | 617.48 S617 |
329 | Textbook and Color Atlas of Tooth Impactions | Jens O. Andreasen | 3756 | 617.6 A557 |
330 | Oxford Handbook of Dental Patient Care | Crispian Scully | 21280 | 617.6 S437 |
331 | Oxford Handbook of Dental Patient Care | Crispian Scully | 21281 | 617.6 S437 |
332 | textbook of general and oral surgery | david wray | 3709 | 617.63 t355 |
333 | Medical-surgical nursing | suzanne c.smeltzer | 2593 | 617.07 b791 |
334 | Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology | Alastair K. O. Denniston | 21277 | 617.7 D398 |
335 | Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology | Alastair K. O. Denniston | 21278 | 617.7 D398 |
336 | Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology | Alastair K. O. Denniston | 21279 | 617.7 D398 |
337 | Handbook of Preoperative Assessment and Management | Bobbie Jean Sweitzer | 9950 | 617 H236 |
338 | Cleft Craft 1 | D. Ralph Millard | 9749 | 617.95 M645 |
339 | Cleft Craft 2 | D. Ralph Millard | 9789 | 617.95 M645 |
340 | Miller's Anesthesia vol.1 | Ronald D. Miller | 16607 | 617.96 M647 |
341 | Miller's Anesthesia vol.2 | Ronald D. Miller | 16606 | 617.96 M647 |
342 | Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesisa | Keith G.Allman (edi) | 21295 | 617.96 O98 |
343 | Surgical Urology | R. H. Flocks | 9755 | 618 F628 |
344 | Handbook of Obstetric and Gynecologic Emergencies | Guy I. Benrubi(edi) | 16512 | 618 H236 |
345 | Guides To Clinical Aspiration Biopsy | Tilde S. Kline | 9655 | 618.1 K65 |
346 | Handbook of Pediatric and Neonatal Transport Medicine | David G. Jaimovich(edi) | 16505 | 618.92 H236 |
347 | Oxford Handbook of Paediatrics | Robert C. Tasker(edi) | 21296 | 618.92 O98 |
348 | Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases vol.2 | Ralph D. Feigin | 3721 | 618.92 T355 |
349 | Aerobiological Engineering Handbook | Wladyslaw Jan | 16557 | 620 K88 |
350 | Indian Practical Civil Engineers' Handbook | P.N. Khanna | 816 | 620 K45 |
351 | Handbook of Machine Tool Analysis | Ioan D.Marinescu | 8863 | 620 M337 |
352 | A Practical Guide For System Verilog Assertions | Srikanth Vijayaraghavan | 21438 | 620 V598 |
353 | Theory of Machines | R.S. Khurmi | 10046 | 620.1 K45 |
354 | A Textbook of Biotechnology | R.C. Dubey | 21221 | 620.82 D813 |
355 | Texbook of Engineering Physics | Neeaj Mehta | 15805 | 621 M498 |
356 | Marks' Standard Handbook For Mechanical Engineers | Eugene A. Avallone | 14431 | 621 S785 |
357 | Handbook of Mechanical Engineering | Sadhu Singh | 21430 | 621 S615 |
358 | Standard Handbook For Electrical Engineers | H.Wayne Beaty | 11784 | 621.3 S785 |
359 | Semiconductor Manufacturing Handbook | Hwaiyu Geng | 12069 | 621.38 S471 |
360 | A Textbook of Electrical Technology vol.I | B.L. Theraja | 14420 | 621.38 T398 |
361 | A Textbook of Electrical Technology vol.II | B.L. Theraja | 14422 | 621.38 T398 |
362 | A Textbook of Electrical Technology vol.III | B.L. Theraja | 14424 | 621.38 T398 |
363 | A Textbook of Electrical Technology vol.IV | B.L. Theraja | 14426 | 621.38T398 |
364 | Oxford English for Electronics | Eric H. Glendinning | 21476 | 621.381 G558 |
365 | Oxford English for Electronics | Eric H. Glendinning | 20359 | 621.381 G558 |
366 | A Textbook of Electrical Technology vol.I | B.L. Theraja | 21478 | 621.381 T398 |
367 | Piping Handbook | Mohinder L. Nayyar | 11995 | 621.4 N331 |
368 | A Textbook of Production Technology | P.C.Sharma | 21455 | 621.4 S524 |
369 | Radiant Heating and Cooling Handbook | Richard D. Watson | 11989 | 621.402 W337 |
370 | A Textbook of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics | K.V. Narayanan | 11688 | 621.407 N218 |
371 | Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Calculations | Tyler G. Hicks | 11901 | 621 H631 |
372 | handbook of electronic messaging | nancy cox | 15791 | 621.38 h236 |
373 | Standard Handbook of Machine Design | Joseph E. Shigley | 7697 | 621.81 S785 |
374 | The Complete Canvasworker's Guide, | Jim Grant | 7802 | 623.8 G761 |
375 | The Urban Housing Handbook | Eric Firley | 21410 | 624 F522 |
376 | A Textbook of Machine Design | R.S. Khurmi | 14406 | 624.17 K45 |
377 | Handbook of Structural Steel Connection Design and Details | Akbar R. Tamboli(edi) | 12030 | 624.182 H236 |
378 | Dictionary of architecture and civil engineering | Loukarfi larbi | 14399 | 624,03-L318 |
379 | Structural Steel Designer'sHandbook | Roger L. Brockenbrough(edi) | 11783 | 624.7 S927 |
380 | A Textbook of Hydraulics,Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines | R.S.Khurmi | 21457 | 627 K45 |
381 | A Textbook of Hydraulic Machines | R.K.Rajput | 21456 | 627 R149 |
382 | Water Treatment Plant Design | Edward E. Baruth(edi) | 11841 | 627 A512 |
383 | Dictionary of water engineering | Mahmud fawzi | 5636 | 627.03-653 م |
384 | Encyclopedie Moderne | Les Vehicules | 3463 | 629.22 V425 |
385 | Dictionary of Agriculture | V.Dey | 1989 | 630.3 D278 |
386 | Principles of Agricultural Engineering vol.I | T. P. Ojha | 3004 | 631.5 O39 |
387 | Principles of Agricultural Engineering vol.II | T. P. Ojha | 3005 | 631.5 O39 |
388 | Office Practice And Secretarial Administration | Nadine Todd | 9794 | 651 T633 |
389 | Developing A Data Dictionary System | J. Van Duyn | 15232 | 658.403 D 988 |
390 | Introduction to Managerial Accounting | Peter C. Brewer | 14612 | 657 B847 |
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393 | The Financial Times Guide To Using The Financial Pages | Romesh Vaitilingam | 8168 | 657.48 V215 |
394 | Nonprofit Mergers and Alliances | Thomas A. Mclaughlin | 9802 | 658.1 M161 |
395 | Financial Times Mastering Global Business | 7769 | 658.4 F491 | |
396 | Master Scheduling | John F. Proud | 6300 | 658.5 P969 |
397 | Total Quality Management Handbook | John L. Hradesky | 15145 | 658.56 H873 |
398 | The Oxford Textbook of Marketing | Keith Blois (edi) | 6313 | 658.8 T374 |
399 | AText book on Experiments and Calculations in Engineering Chemistry | 21184 | 660 D213 | |
400 | Latex:A Document Preparation System User's Guide and Reference Manual | Leslie Lamport | 1473 | 682.2 L237 |
401 | New spaper designer,s hand book | Fith edition | 22808 | 686,2 H312 |
402 | Construction Waterproofing Handbook | Michael T. Kubal | 12037 | 693.8 K95 |
403 | Student Atlas of World Geography | John L. Allen | 16583 | 912 A416 |
404 | Academic Dictionary of Geography | Ajay Kumar Ghosh | 1992 | 910.3A168 |
405 | Atlas of World Geography | 10830 | 912A881 | |
406 | Goode's World Atlas | Howard Veregin(edi) | 20105 | 912 G646 |
407 | Geological Structures and Maps | Richard J.Lisle | 5207 | 912 L771 |