ملخص رسالة ياسين خضير عبيس




“Allzumiat”, a poem’s book written by Al

Marri is considered the keysecret which was influential in his life and after his death, and about which premodernist and postmodernist couldn‘t agree.

   The ancient opet’s attitudes, as it is revealed in

   the study, were based on both religions and            fundamental disposition, therefor.

     They were deeply clergymen and didn’t discuss the Al Marri’s book from a critical or rhetorical point of view. There was no evidence in the literary heritage books that anyone of them was concerned about these poems and could have made analyzed them to point out their advantages and defecats.

       If it is that the ancient poets didn’t care about that book, so far, than what was the attitude of the late modernist poets about the ancient poets’ attitude?

       And to what extent did they (Modernists) care about it? And how realistically objective were they? And what were their outcomes?.

         All the questions mentioned above have created a desire inside me to investigate those attitudes and efforts and to humbly take part in changing the viewpoint that was made against the book, and furthermore, to show how unique this book was. Discussing the critical issues that were made by those studies was the primal interest of my study.

         Due to the nature of the subject of the research, it was necessary to divide the study into; Introduction, preface, three other sections, and the conclusion.

         -The preface is titled (abu AlAlaa Al Marri and his book “Allzumiat” in the light of the ancients’ studies).

       -Chapter one is titled (Allzumiat; their definition, their motivation, dispositions, and their explanations in the light of the modernists’ studies).

       -Chapter two is titled (The opinions of the modernist researchers about the subjects of Allzumiat).

       -Chapter three is titled (The artful side of Allzumiat in the study of the modernist).

       -Finally the thesis is ended with a conclusion, which was the end of the fatigable but interesting journey in the modernists’ studies of this book, with the title of the sources and references.

         The descriptive approach was a great help for me dealing with critical opinions that were made by the modernists searchers concerning the book (Allzumiat), therefore, it was a descriptive approach and sometimes, analytical and rectifying.