ملخص حوراء علي حسين



Is the subject of civil liability for the companies offered to mobile phone service of important issues so that the dangers that threaten human health and the environment have evolved and taken the forms and methods of multiple and complex so that he could not affected encountered by conventional means, which require efforts to develop the rules of civil liability, both with regard to the definition or foundation or liability provisions in order to protect the common mobile phone service being a party weak and submissive in the contract mobile phone after becoming mobile phone service of essential needs that cannot be dispensed with, as well as the protection of others affected by the random distribution does not Bragg mobile phone, especially in Iraq, which no to Now a law regulating the work of these companies invested which is now steal money involved, where there is only a draft law on media and communications have been withdrawn from parliament in order to measure changes either in Egypt where there Act communications Egyptian No. 3 for the year 2010 as well as in France, there is the Telecommunications Regulatory Act No. 719 for the year 2000, and here came the importance of this topic and Omchklth of stand on rules developed for this responsibility, where we discussed this topic in two chapters dealt with in the first chapter defining the concept of civil liability for mobile phone companies and the legal nature and the most important obligations of the company in the second section of Staff Civil Liability for mobile phone companies and we have dedicated the second study provisions of the Civil Liability for mobile phone companies and then reviewed the most important results and Almguetrhatalta our findings in this research.