ملخص سجى سمير دخيل صباح الخفاجي


The history of Pre-Islamic Arabs is considered an important phase in the history of humanity because it is a link that is connected to the history of Islam and led to the understanding of its meanings, otherwise it was not possible to grasp the history of Islam. By this , the conditions of Arabs before Bi`thah are discussed.

It is noticeable that the general feature of Pre-Islamic Arabs was in the absence of authority and fixed and recorded law . On this basis , there must be certain regulations that they depended on practicing their general life affairs . Therefore , they depended on customs , conventions and traditions prevalent in their societies .They also depended on old persons , the nobility , experts and tribal chiefs to solve their outstanding problems. These people were known as muftis because they were qualified experts for Arabs and their muftis in pre-Islam.

The thesis is divided into the introduction ,four chapters and conclusions . The first chapter tackles the historical roots of al-iftaa in the ancient people and Mamālīk . It defines al-iftaa literary and according to usage, then gives a historical glimpse of fatwas and laws of the people and Mamālīk who preceded Arabs , such as Mesopotamia , Greeks , Romans , Persia , and ancient Indians through the study of social , religious , and economic iftaas .

The second chapter studies the religious viewpoint on al-iftaas to Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula .This chapter examines the religious Iftaa on nasi’, and explaining it literary and according to usage , then its influence on the society , also discusses pilgrimage matters in pre- Islam related to groups of idol believers such as Ahams, Altals, Hilla , and other