هشام ناظم زياد






    The study of the economic and social life in the city of Almeria in the era of the Almoravids and the combined form an important aspect of the Arab Islamic civilization in Andalusia, representing an era in spite of the harsh political conditions that were experienced Andalusia, the era of، Economic prosperity of the city of Almeria, the study showed the importance of building Almeria to be a base for the fleet to address the threat Andalusian Fatimid, and replace the city Bjanp, the study also revealed the importance of the geographical location of the city, which is the eastern gate of Andalusia, as well as the viability of port, which make it a destination of a large number of merchant ships from the Orient, Morocco, and the cities of southern Italy, as a result of the unique geographical location which has made it a thriving city of Almeria in the various fields.




   In the urban area was included in Almeria within beautiful architectural effects, is a testament to urban development to which the Muslim Arabs at that time, given the importance of rotation for its number of Almoravid task, the most prominent Muslim Amir bin Ali bin Yusuf Tashvin, the study found about reforms wide by the governors in Almeria Almohads after retrieval of the Christians who long ruled almost ten years, which caused severe damage in the city, and became stationed in the era of Almeria and the combined fleet of the main base of the Andalusian.




        In the field of agriculture and the study showed the extent of the ingenuity and crown princes of Almeria in water engineering, who have hard schedules and canals, digging wells, and installing Alnoair it, in order to ensure access of water to all agricultural land in the city, the people of Almeria has tried to eliminate the problem of water through the industry tanks for the storage of rainwater and use it in times of drought, and in spite of the rocky nature of the land of Almeria, but they were living and well-located agricultural, Matmdta the Adea and produced from different types of crops.




    As in the industrial field has encouraged the State in the era of the Almoravids and the combined industry, Almeria in the tradition of making one of the most important industrial cities of Andalusia, especially the silk textile industry, whose work most of the people of Almeria, which Bjamalitha known and high quality.
      The people knew how to take advantage of Almeria minerals, especially metal, marble, the city has been through this industry, they sought to establish a basin and tombstones, even these industries are exported to the cities of Andalusia and the cities of Morocco.




        In the area of trade has been the policy of the era of the Almoravids and Almohads a great impact on the recovery process of commercial traffic in Almeria, through the holding of trade agreements in particular with the cities of southern Italy, also took the state in an era based on the establishment of a Mint in Almeria, in view of the size of significant trade in the city, which had required the availability of large amounts of money.




        The State has stationed in the era of combined rest and traders arriving in Almeria, through the provision of all means of comfort, the government built a large number of hotels which is a place for rest and for the storage of merchandise, the merchant, even the number of 970 hotels in Almeria hotels.




       The social aspect in the study had revealed that the community component of Almeria lived in different elements of the city safely, and associated with good relations among themselves, based on the free exercise of religious rites, the best evidence of the participation of their fellow Arab Christians in the revival of their festivals and religious celebrations and events




      In spite of the remarkable economic recovery in Almeria, however, that economic inequality was clear that the society was divided into three categories, as we have noted that the entry of a uniform and stationed a large component of the composition of the population, have become the sovereign of the Arabs in the city, the Berbers, as influenced by the people of Almeria customs, traditions and uniforms