Abstract :
Muslim Scientists interested in writing of prophet’s ((pbuh)) biography, They left nothing away , their writings included great information that covered the aspects of the beginning of Islam and the stage followed which is considered as the most important stages of establishing of Islamic Arabian State , which was established by the prophetC(pbuh)) in Yathrib after spreading of Islam in by the chiefs who gave their homage to the prophet n both periods , By this Yathrib became ready to receive the most generous prophet((pbuh)). The prophet of God «pbuh»has put the basis and reflations of the new Islamic State which later qualified the biggest states , these regulations clarified the scope of development given by Islam through spreading of a new thought based upon loyalty to the religion instead of loyalty to the tribe which dominated that period , So We can clearly perceive that the stage ofbuilding of the Mosque is the first procedure ofbuilding of a new state , it was the headquarter of leadership and administration , then he unified the Muslims through brotherhood , after tliat he has enacted the constitation which showed the rights and duties of all existing classes in the City.
?rophetic biography didn’t restrict only on its own writings or on history books , it has also included the books of^iographies an classifications which interested in the description of countries besides the books of Prophetic Hadith , that is why the book of (( Biggest Classes for Ibn Saad )) is considered as one of the great books of classes , Ibn Sa^d had the chance to review the preceding books and of genealogy , men , history , biographies and etc. , He could get of all these sciences to start writing his book which contains a complete biography of the life and morals ofthe prophet((pbuh)). The worth mentioning is that Ibn Saad has preserved in supporting ofhis narration in most cases to give his classification truthfulness in transmission of biography narration , So We see that he has nareated it for biggest scientists and narrators , the book of classes has included many subjects about the life ofthe prophet((pbuh)) giving an extensive image about the achievements ofthe prophet;((pbuh)) in Political and Military aspects .
The Classifications which included the blessed Prophetic biography have been varied , the Prophetic biography didn’t restrict only on its own writings or on history books , it has also included the books ofbiographies an classifications whic، interested in the description of countries bes]des the books ©؛Prophetic Hadith, that is why the book of ((Biggest Classesforlbn Saad)) is considered as one ofthe great books of classes , Ibn Saad had the chance to review the preceding books and of genealogy , men , history , biographies and etc. , He could get of all these sciences to start writing hisbook which contains a complete biography of the life and morals of the prophet ((pbuh)) . The worth mentioning is that Ibn Saad has preserved in supporting ofhis narration in most cases to give his classification truthfulness ظ transmission of biography narration , So We see that he has narrated it for biggest scientists and narrators , the book of classes has included many subjects about the life of the prophet((pbMh)) giving an extensive image about the achievements of the prophet({pbuh)) in Political and Military aspects .
Ibn Saad has specified the first two parts ofhis book for the biography of the prophet((pbuh)), while he has specified the other parts for the biography of the companions , followers and whom followed them’. The last part has been specified for the biographies ofwomen .
The book of ((Biggest Classes for Ibn Saad)) is considered as an important source for many contemporary Islamic classifications or those appeared after it. Aecording to the previous importance , the choosing of our thesis Title has come (( State of the prophet (pbuh) and its Political and Military directions in the book of Biggest Classes for Ibn Saad (230 “•١ •١٠)), this choosing could be for many reasons , some of them could be : that the biography of the prophet ((pbuh))is a sea filled with treasures ofknowledge and science , in spite of the many studies that dealt with his blessed life ((pbuh)), the spaee stilled wide in front of the researcher , this could be resulting by the character of the prophet((pbuh)) , the human finds between his hands an image for the ideal at any aspect ofhis virtual life , in order to make it as a rule adheres with and follows , No doubt , when a human looks for an ideal at any aspect of life ء he can find all ofthis in the life of the prophet((pbuh)) much clear and complete than ever be , that why Allah has made him as an ideal for all humans , He ((pbub)) was n’t merely a genius whom his genuisty raised him among his people , he was before that the prophet of Allah inspirited by him و the book of Ibn Saad has been studied as biography and ?rophetic Hadith in the aspect of its specialization , but it never studied as a book included important information about the establishing of the Islamic state which is considered as the base ofunderstanding oflslamic History lately .
So ء We thought of dividing of our study into an Introduction , three chapters and a conclusion , the first chapter has been specified for studying of the era of Ibn Saad ,his biography , methodology and his resources where he can get the narration ofthe Prophetic biography from , the second chapter has been specified for the studying ofthe political direction ofthe Prophet’s ((pbuh)) State , by which we could deal with the migrations of Muslims before Islam , the regulations ofthe City in addition to the policy ofthe prophet((pbuh)) with Jewish and hypocrites , then the third chapter has come to shed the light on the Jihadi and Military aspects for the Sate ofthe prophet((pbuh)), which has been divided into three stadies by which we have wholly studied Jihad and itsthe establishing of the Islamic state which is considered as the base ofunderstanding oflslamic History lately .