تقييم الأداء الاقتصادي لمعمل جوهرة كربلاء لأنتاج المنظفات

حيدر فلاح عبد زيد كاظم

     تقييم الأداء الاقتصادي لمعمل جوهرة كربلاء لأنتاج المنظفات     الدبلوم العالي في اقتصاديات الاستثمار ودراسة الجدوى


         The studies on the industrial sector are of great importance by researchers in developed countries and developing countries and therefore constitute an important aspect in scientific progress and economic and social development. There is also a great effort from most developing countries to increase the contribution of this sector, especially its contribution to the national and local GDP. Development.

         This sector is qualified to attract and absorb modern technologies, which will raise the level of productivity and thus increase its contribution to economic growth, not to mention the development of this sector contributes to the creation of new job opportunities and development of technical capabilities of workers with the establishment of a technical base of the country, Because of their close connection with the human health, as well as their importance in the Iraqi market and therefore need to special care and technology for the rest of the industries because they affect the human basically.

         The process of evaluating the economic performance is one of the most important stages of the project to improve the level of performance, by comparing what was achieved during the study period, as the process of performance evaluation is one of the most important stages of the planning process in order to reach the goals set up followed by follow-up process Implementation of the plan through the performance evaluation process with a view to identifying the deviations that may arise as a result of the implementation and therefore the performance evaluation process is the final stage of the planning stages.

The research is based on the possibility of expansion and development of Karbala Jeweler Factory for the production of detergents by raising the economic performance based on the scientific economic evaluation according to the scientific standards. The laboratory data were studied and analyzed during the period 2007-2017. The third study dealt with the conceptual framework for assessing economic performance, while the second dealt with the criteria of measuring economic performance. The third dealt with the assessment of the performance of the Karbala Jewel Factory for the production of detergents. Of the conclusions and recommendations reached by the researcher.