حسين هليب نجم الشيباني


AL-Mintatham Book is on of the Retable Books in Kings Life and nation for studying translation especially Baghdadieen, fter history of Baghdad by Al Khateeb Al Baghdady, since the tossing of notes Baghdad history, increased the importance of the Systematic.

Ibn Al Jawzy in his book was able to establish the knowledge movement in Islamic world, especially in Baghdad that he focuedon. He established the most important events in its scientific life, taking in account its cultural organization, also the participation for the men of the state, Kaleph, princes and Ministers. Also transition for many characters that carried knowledge and all ifs fields in Baghdad, Juirsts preachers, poets, Historians and Philosophers and others till 574A.H. 1178A.D.

So my Dissertation came with title [ scientific life in Baghdad ( 334-574A.H. 945-1178A.D.) through the Book ” Systematic ” about kings life and mations reasons: First, to show the rofe of Ibn Al Jawzy and his focus for Baghdad rofe scientificly in his book ” Systematic” , Two showing the most important prominent aspects in Baghdad life during this period which showing the control Al- Bowainy then saljwa on Al- Abbasi Kalephs in their capital Baghdad and political Economic and social tumble.

I have been established this dissertation on, introduction, four chapters and conclusion. The first chapter about Ibn Al Jawzy, including his address, life time scientific level, and his way. This chapter includes three sections, the first about his life and period, the second about his scientific level and his way of thinking in third section.

The second chapter, with the outside scientific movement in Baghdad depending on foreword and three sections. Foreword showed the most prominent scientific in Baghdad from its establishing till its studying. The first section include the sharing of kalephs, princes, and their ministers in Baghdad scientific life. the second section about Educational organizations in Baghdad before the establishment of schools. The third one about school in Baghdad during the studying.

Third chapter under the title, studying the literary and scientific production in Baghdad.

Including four sections. The first one about showing religious sciences with all its branches the four, Quran, Hadith, Doctrine and notations science. The studying of especial science in Arabic language and its ate was in second section. Third section about the studying of Human sciences in fourth section conjugation sciences.

Chapter four tackled cultural relation ships between Baghdad and other Islamic cities, with four sections. The first section about Baghdad and other Iraqi cities, second, Baghdad and other Islamic cities. Third one about books and parts. Fourth one about the period of equivalence and argument.

The conclusion that the researcher concluded can be summarized in the following:

In spite of that Ibn Al Jawzy did not decend from educated family, he became prominent figure of one field, but all, showing the role that men of the state played in reinforce the scientific life in Baghdad.

Baghdad witnessed many educational organization before the establishment of the school, like writers, mosques, scholar’s houses, book shops and others. These organizations reinforced in the educational and cultural development. It became the center for the gathering of scholars in every ficld. Baghdad was the house of knowledge not just for people in Baghdad, but all scholars.

Ibn Al Jawzy but the core of his study about religious, Arabic and Human sciences rather than engineering and chemistry sciences. He established good role to woman to reinforce scientific life in Baghdad, most of women were educated and speakers.

Ibn Al Jawzy showed that scientific movement continued in spite of the bad environment in politics economic and socially as a result of the occupation of Bewaihy and Saljwq.