عبد الواحد لؤلؤة جهوده النقدية والأدبية

عـمـاد كاظـم خـضـير العـبـيـدي عبد الواحد لؤلؤة جهوده النقدية والأدبية  الدكتوراه  في فلسفة اللغة العربية وآدابها / الأدب


         Critic Abdul Wahid is a Lu,lu,a,of critics who have contributed, in a clear way to strengthening the reality of literary criticism in Iraq and the Arab world, to his efforts over the past 40 years. He was a lecturer at the university and participated in scientific conferences organized by academic, cultural and literary institutions in various countries of the world. As well as his books in literary criticism, which collected all his research and lectures in this area, which amounted to ten books, dealt with various types of literary criticism in poetry, story, novel, play and art biography. Where he investigated the literary productions of Arab and international, explaining and explaining and analyzing and criticizing what was on board. Providing a clear service to the Arab reader.

Not only that, he was one of the most important Iraqi translators. He translated many books and research from English to Arabic, and vice versa. It was the result of his translations that the transfer of the most important literature of the West to the Arabs are careful in dealing with the Western text after found a mix of foreign concepts and terminology that was translated to the Arab as he is in it and was in literary criticism deals with the text on the basis of a general human feeling and comprehensive, Does not belong to a particular class, nationality, or class.

This study deals with all the efforts of the critic Abdul Wahid to explain, detail and analysis, an attempt to reach the search in its midst and uncover the syllables, to know the value of these efforts, and their impact on the Iraqi and Arab achievements of literary criticism.