أَثَرُ القَرَائِنِ التَّركِيبِيَةِ في تَوْجِيْهِ المَعْنَى عِنْدَ الآلُوسِي(ت1270هـ) في تَفْسِيرِهِ رُوْحِ المَعَانِي السَّبْعُ الطُّوالُ أَمْثِلَةً

الطالب محمد مسلم باقر الحسينيأَثَرُ القَرَائِنِ التَّركِيبِيَةِ في تَوْجِيْهِ المَعْنَى عِنْدَالآلُوسِي(ت1270هـ) في تَفْسِيرِهِرُوْحِ المَعَانِي السَّبْعُ الطُّوالُ أَمْثِلَةًالماجستير في لغة القرآن وآدابها


The Title: The Effect of Synthetic Evidence in Directing Al-Alusi’s(T1270H) Meaning on its Interpretation of the Soul of Seven Long Meaning Examples.

The thesis consists of an introduction, an introductory chapter, two and three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources, a title, and a summary in English.

Introduction: It includes the importance of the topic, the reasons for choosing it, previous studies, the field of research, the research plan, and the approach followed in the study.

The introductory chapter: It consists of three sections, as the first topic included a simplified definition of the life of Al-Alusi and his grammatical method, the most important books on which he relied and his inclination to the two schools, the most important titles he gave in his interpretation, and the second topic defining the long seven wall, the opinions of the scholars therein, their number, and the contextual relations that link them and their sections In the Holy Qur’an, the Meccan and the Civil, among them, the third topic was from the share of the context, its definition of language and idiom, its emergence as a term among the ancients and the modernists, and its relationship to composition and its divisions according to Dr. Tamam Hassan.

And the second chapter: it was exposed to verbal clues as it consisted of five sections, namely the context of the Arabic mark, the context of rank, the context of the instrument, the context of solidarity with mentioning some of the Qur’anic examples and Alusi’s guidance for its meanings in its interpretation and the responses of scholars and researchers on it.

Chapter Three: He was also exposed to the moral clues and consisted of five sections, namely the context of assignment and the allocation of assignment and the context of the violation and the percentage of dependency and the context of dependency on the number of clues as well as mentioning some Qur’anic examples and comments and directives of Alusi on them and the responses that strengthen and reinforce the position of Alusi from these clues and directing them to the meaning.

Conclusion, which included the most important results of the research, including:

1- Al-Alusi’s interpretation was distinguished by its grammatical, morphological and rhetorical abundance, and all that is required is his statement and knowledge of the study, and this is explained in the context of the Arabic sign.

2- Al-Alusi’s personality became clear in his interpretation, because he tried to give the interpretation a new and different style from the rest of the interpretations by presenting the ideas of all those before him for discussion and study, and this was evident in the context of solidarity.

3- He was distinguished by his interpretive style of the Quranic verse by presenting several opinions reinforced by his grammatical and cognitive abilities in the rest of the sciences.

And a list of sources and references, and the letter was sealed with the title and summary in English