لغة النثر التأليفي في القرنين السادس والسابع للهجرة كتب التراث الادبي الاندلسي اختيارا

كريم ضباب مطر

  لغة النثر التأليفي فيالقرنين السادس والسابع للهجرة كتب التراث الادبي الاندلسي اختيارا   الدكتوراه –  فلسفة في     اللغة العربية وآدابها / أدب


         All praise is due to God ,He it is Who hath sent among the unlettered ones a messenger of their own, to recite unto them His revelations and to make them grow, and to teach them the Scripture and wisdom, though heretofore they were indeed in error manifest, Prayer and peace be upon our master and prophet Mohammed and his progeny, the light of right guidance whom God removed all impurity from them and to make them completely pure.

     The prose heritage holography passed through many transformations and changes within  various durations since beginnings of heritage notation up to overacting periods in the late literature eras. It used to aim at conveying meaning purely with linguistic devices with a purpose to entail a specific scientific target; later, in the successive development periods, they compete poetry genre in overacting.

    Thus, the holography borrowed the poetry style and imitated it till they become exactly like it. But they were not organized according to the poetry meters or restricted by its rhymes. They had more freedom in comparison with the poetry routine system in spite of the poetic spirit it took from poetry. This phenomenon spread firstly in the eastern literary holography, then it penetrated to the scientific compositional writing in the fields of philosophy, history, and geography specially during the late embellishment and ornament eras. The Andalusia prose writing was under the influence of eastern model in most of its writing and composition sorts. Thus, the first writing aim was to convey the meaning with aesthetic techniques and artistic formation devices they display the scientific topic in a literary display where poetic levels were raised to a degree that touches the poetic writing. Dr. Sabah Hassan Ubaid Al Temimi suggested a title that observe this phenomenon and stop at features of this sort of prose writing that spread in literature books, he entitled it ” criticism language in Andalusia Literature Heritage Books in the Sixth and Seventh as a model “. when I displayed the topic idea and title to Prof. Dr. Ali Kadhum Mohammed Ali Al Meslawi , he welcomed the idea and tried to ripen it in my mind, then he and the scientific committee in the department put the touches. So, the idea and title were reshaped in a new form entitled ” Compositional Prose Language in the Sixth and Seventh Hijri Centuries: Andalusia Literature Heritage Books as a Model”.

     So, I had to study the prose compositional language in those centuries and to know means and resources of its formation that it took its functions from that it achieved with remarkable types.

    Had the author one language in all his different publications or varied due to the topic and idea to be conveyed? Did the author commit with one language in his single publication or did his prose language vary?

      The current study contained a preface, three chapters, and conclusion. The preface entitled the Compositional Prose in Andalus, growth, references, features. It observed first stage of the Compositional Prose growth in Andalus as well as mentioning references that it relied on with some opinions round the subject. Later mentioning the attributes that recognize the Compositional Prose of preceding study times.

    This was followed with the first chapter which is entitled ” formation devices Compositional Prose language”, it tackled the constituents that took part in forming Compositional Prose language in Andalusia Literature Heritage Books. It was divided into three sections. The first was about the rhetorical devices, the second was devoted to the eloquence devices, while the last tackled the construction devices.

   The second chapter which was entitled ” functions of Compositional Prose language”, it came to look after the function that Compositional Prose language was interested in Andalusia Literature Heritage Books and to discover its functional aim. It was divided into three sections. The first was about the communicative function, the second was about the aesthetic function, the third was about the argumentative function.

    The third chapter which was entitled the cultural references in Compositional Prose language mentioned in the prominent cultural references that Andalusia writers were affected with and that appeared in their Compositional Prose language. It was divided into three sections, according to the reference type. The first section was entitled with the religious reference The second section was entitled the literary reference The third section was entitled the other references represented by the historical reference, philosophical reference , and the astronomy reference.

     The study was ended with conclusion that contained the most important results, followed by a list of references and bibliographies that the study relied on.

     The current study used the analytical approach through reading the Compositional Prose texts in a way that reveals its artistic attributes, exploring the aesthetic and rhetoric formation devices and discover the type of its prose language, various functions and cultural references. The criterion of choosing read samples was standing on proportion of literature in some of them, predominance of objectivity on the other particularly that kind of books characterized with scientific tendency where proportion of literature decreased, in other words, the book that have the subject as the main target with less interest with art.

      Before the need, I feel it is loyal to desire to thank my master and supervisor who did not keep any effort in guiding and assessing me during my long research trip, may Allah bless him.

     At the end, I would like to say that I did my best. So, if I succeed, then that is from my God, if not, then I am the cause. However, I tried.

     I ask Allah saving from nonsense , In Him have I put my trust, Allah sufficeth me , I depend on Allah in whatever I say or do.