الاتِّساقُ في كِتَابِ الاحتِجَاجِ للطَّبرِسي دِراسَةً في ضَوْءِ لِسانِيّاتِ النّص

     ماجد حميد شاكر الخزاعي

      الاتِّساقُ في كِتَابِ الاحتِجَاجِ للطَّبرِسي دِراسَةً في ضَوْءِ لِسانِيّاتِ النّص    الماجستير في اللغة العربية و آدابها / لغة


  The linguistic studies witnessed huge knowledgeable developments in the second half of the twentieth century which were a complement  to the previous linguistics schools. This cognitive conquer was represented by the text linguistics. These studies were beyond some linguistic rules which considers the sentence as the largest linguistic unit in any text and which also regards the text as the largest linguistic space and the largest linguistic unit.

    Experimentally, the current study analyses the linguistic texts according to seven criteria that designed by the linguist Depauw Grand in his book ( text, discourse, and procedure) . the first criterion, the concord is considered as one of the most important criterion where some scholars considered it as the backbone of the texting process. It means the great connection among the text elements. It has three aspects: the phonological concord, lexicon concord, and the  syntactic concord. These aspects were implemented on Al-Ehtejaj book by Al Tebrisi. The following results were drawn:

1.The sound had a great value in supporting the textual concord since the process of sound formation and weaving it inside the text that creates a sensation to the audience by connecting the text.

2.The dictionary collocation took part in emerging the required meaning for many words since it is not enough to be sufficient with dictionary to reach the intended word meaning without collocating with other words. This process formed a cohesive net inside the text.

  1. Reference, deletion, and connection aspects performed a central role in carrying out the cohesion among the text constructions. They worked to form a net of the connected relations that made the text seems as a unified unit to the audience.