المبالغة في تفسير التحرير والتنوير للطاهر بن عاشور (ت 1393هـ -1973م)

عبد الله خالد عبد طالب الخالدي

    المبالغة  في  تفسير  التحرير  والتنويرللطاهر  بن  عاشور(ت 1393هـ -1973م)الماجستير في لغة القرآن


The Quranic studies are studies that have taken a great place in the scientific fields because of their great overlap with the rest of the sciences. These studies are what we started by. We were pleased with the scientific steps followed by the sources and references that entered the field of this study where exaggeration is the starting point of the study. In addition to that, Ibn Ashour disagreed with some of the directives of the interpreters and others agreed in the analysis of the Quranic texts. Therefore, the study took upon itself the research on the subject of exaggeration and on three main axes: exchange, grammar, and communication