وجوه الخلاف النحوي في كتاب الصفوة الصفية لتقي الدين إبراهيم النيليّ

محمد سلام مظهر       وجوه الخلاف النحوي في كتاب الصفوة الصفية لتقي الدين إبراهيم النيليّ   ماجستير في اللغة العربية / اللغة


        Praise be to Allah upon the abundant blessings , esteeming the generosities , praise be to Allah who taught by the pen, taught the man that he knew not, and I praise him very much. Blessings and peace be upon his holy Messenger (the last of prophets) the honest Muhammad and upon his household the lights of darkness and the guides of mankind and upon his companions the noble, the blessed, the selected.

Having said that:

          Normally, choosing a topic is difficult because I found a lot of topics which have been researched but after consultation with my professors, they agreed to my thesis. So, the title of the thesis became: (The grammatical controversies in the book of Al-Safwa Al-Safiya by Taqi Aldeen Ibrahim Alnilee (7th AH).

           The subject of the grammatical controversies is of a great importance in enriching the grammatical material and developing the grammatical lesson, and then representing the doctrines of grammarians: schools, groups or individuals in sections of multiple grammar and its various issues. So I decided to start this study. Then, after my conviction with the subject, I brought it to the Graduate Studies Committee in the Department and the committee accepted it.

           The plan of my thesis was based on specific issues, I mean that I have identified the issues that I wanted to research in, which are the core of my thesis. Thus the research was specific within the framework of the question discussed in. But after providing with information about it and after passing a lot of time , the supervisor decided changing the plan. So it had another essence and flexibility within the drawn limits , i.e. there was a new opinion in distributing the articles.

           I had difficulties during my work in the research, including the lack of studies that dealt with this grand grammarian known as Taqi Aldeen Alnilee , but thanks to Almighty Allah and his help I was able to continue with my research and then I completed it wishing it to be a good and perfect and what is perfect is for Allah only.

         Thus, the approach of the thesis became to make a prelude in which I discuss the grammatical controversies in linguistics and terminology and the reasons that have given rise to the grammatical controversy and its motives , as well as the life of Alnilee , the influence of science in his culture and also the grammar evidences.

          The thesis is in three chapters. I put two sections in each chapter. So the first chapter was the grammatical controversy at the level of the factor .In the first section : I dealt with (The grammatical controversies in structuring the perfect verbs) , but the second section : I dealt with (The grammatical controversies in structuring the imperfect verbs).

         The second chapter was put for studying the the grammatical controversies at the level of operative “ma’amool” . In the first section , I dealt with (the controversies in structuring the pronouns ) , whereas the second section I dealt with( the nominal structure ) ; and it was divided into three sections ; the first one was Almarfua’at (noun in the nominative , verb in the indicative ) , the second one was Almansuba’at (accusative) and the third one was Almajrouraat (dative).

          In chapter three I dealt with the grammatical controversies in the particles and letters. The first section was : (The grammatical controversies in the particles and the single and double letters ) and it was in two sections :the first one was for the particles and the single   letters ,whereas  the second one was for the particles and the double letters . Whereas the second section of this chapter was 🙁 The grammatical controversies in the particles and the triliteral and quadriliteral ) and it was in two sections ; in the first one I dealt with the particles and triliteral ,whereas in the second one , I dealt with the particles and quadriliteral.

         Then after these chapters , I reached the conclusion and in which I dealt with the most important findings in this thesis ,and then the sources and references followed by a summary in English about this thesis.

        And for those who ask me why specifically these controversial issues but not others?  

         I replied that they are the most popular among the ancient grammarians themselves and between them and the modernists as well.


         This study is based on raising some controversial issues which are found in the book of Alsafwa Alsafiya and then documenting the sayings , opinions and the doctrines of the ancient and modern grammarians and thus I made each issue consisting of two doctrines or more and I mean by ‘the doctrine’ that there is one opinion agreed by scholars . So, I called it a ‘ doctrine’    

          I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all those who helped me to complete this thesis specifically the supervisor of thesis Dr. Salam M. Khilkhal who was credited with every step I have made in this thesis. I also thank all professors of Arabic language Department for their advices to me; specifically the assistant professor Dr. Khalid Abbas Hussain  and the professor Dr.Rajaa Ajeel Al-Hisnawi.

          I also extend my thanks to all the staff in the libraries that I have frequented , especially the library of the Holy Husseiniya Threshold and the Holy Abbasiya Threshold and the library of Arabic language in the College of Education / University of Karbala. And I put my research among a selected group of professors , hoping that they give me their notes in order to adjust my research and remove the deficiency and imbalance in it.

           Finally , I praise Almighty Allah for his outward and inward blessings and ask him for success in the ways of goodness and success , he is the guardian of all good. And praise be to Allah, the lord of the the worlds.