ملخص أحمد حبيب الخبط العباسي

                                      ((ABSTRACT))                                                                    We have completed the study in three chapters preceded by an introduction and booting in two axes : Chapter one: search the first aspect of the life of the AL-Najashi Al-Harthy and touched second to the concepts of style, stylistic and resulted from the class according to the levels of the study stylistic :                          (1) the first chapter ( level voice ) is divided on two sections devoted the first to study rhythm the weight and rhyme is the most important findings that context Al- Rajiz compose phenomenon stylistic most prominent in the selection of the AL-Najashi to inflict the weight of his coming by ( 13%) of the total texts while not reach this percentage among his contemporaries only (1%) only , and many use it to Crawler Alkhbn in contexts (Al- Tawel, Al- Baset, Al- kafeaf, Al Ramel ), which refers to poet tendency to style abbreviating the             weight rhythm in his poetry , And he used Al rapid and Al- Kamil by fewness , and perhaps his fewness in pre Islamic age was the cause the very in his fewness at AL-Najashi poetry, either infrequence is Al kamel because of its loss his some poetries, and it does not reach us. Rhyme in the field , we find the absolute rhyme is it prevalent in his poetry and al rradef compose is characteristic stylistic in absolute rhyme and this means it is on level from of musical perfection   rhymes, either his   rhymes chained   came different for that used from her in Arabic poetry as received by ( 12.5 % ) of Al Ramel by ( 41.75 %) of Al- Mutaqarib. employed the   poet (18) letter of the Arabic letters for Ruee poetic texts and came employ kept up for Arabic poetry except two letters Perhaps environment Iraq is the reason for this .

And proved the second part, the existence of the phenomena of rhythmic variety in his poet ( repetition, parallelism , alliteration , recycling , gemming) the first of her repetition component phenomenon stylistic manifested in repeated the name of Imam Ali ( peace be upon him ) by (30% ) of texts and achieved a parallel sort of balance voice and grammar and semantic in his texts , which contributed to some of the arts produced in Budaiya Creation of uniform voice within poetic texts. was to the rest of the phenomena of importance supplying the vocal side in other texts.

(2)the second Chapter (Level synthetic ) : The three sections dealt with the first of them poetic sentence and appeared the sentences confirmed by letters (50%) of the total confirmed texts then conditional sentences , are installed and exiled.

And focusing the second topic on the study of the styles composition ( Definition and indefinite, deletion and existing, presentation and delay , interception ) resulted in the different connotations of them ( customization , alarm, menacing , warning , etc.) . Devoted third topic to study the methods of construction and the most prominent of the call and the question and style Al ammer by al ammer verb formula, also contributed to the style of the structural constructive for his poetry .

(3) the third Chapter ( semantic level ) : The first section is particularized to the study of methods from technical picture ( simile , metaphor , metonymy ), which added a poetic texts on a variety of artistic images , and The patterns images ( visual , auditory, gustatory   (   And care of the second part, some other connotations , including Intertextualite ( citation and embedding ), which relied on the likes of the Arabs and which relied the likes of the Arabs and their poetry and perhaps fewness for in pre Islamic age, and some of the words of the Koran and Hadith . And also included the phenomenon of semantic concordance by use the diodes antibody ( counterpoint and interview ) in his poetry was observed semantic convergence in some poetic texts , has practiced these elements are her role in effect on the receiver because it is an important part of the general significance of his poetry.

This was followed by chapters finale included the search results