الخِطاب النِّسوي في القرآن الكريم

هبة نبيل عاجل الوائليالخِطاب النِّسوي في القرآن الكريم(دراسة دلالية)الماجستير في لغة القرآن وآدابها


The discourse in the Koran is wide, comprehensive, and diverse, not limited to sex without another, it is not limited to men without women or women without men, and research has addressed the feminist discourse in the Koran without other types of speech; because their speech was distinct and more influential in Recipient and because he has received the luck of the speech of the Koran, to honor and uphold their affairs and raise their rank because they are the basis of society, and its nuclei, as they are: (mother, sister, wife, girl) The Koran has dedicated a complete surah called Surah (women) as well as Surat (Maryam) Which he called in the name of a woman.

The nature of the subject is divided into three chapters preceded by a prelude and followed by a conclusion with the most prominent results.

     The preamble included analysis in language and terminology, as well as discourse in language and terminology.Therefore, the study dealt with the characteristics of Qur’anic discourse in general and the features of feminist discourse in particular. And legislative discourse in its two parts (transactions and worship), direct speech, and formative speech. Chapter II: I introduced the significance of the feminist discourse in the Holy Quran, introducing it to the meaning of language and terminology, and then touched upon the types of significance in the feminist discourse, including: suggestive significance, lexical significance, contextual significance, legitimacy, psychological significance, linguistic significance, which included the verbal common, and the convergence Semantic, language differences, semantics, and kindness. The third chapter examines the aesthetics of feminist discourse in the Qur’an and includes an introduction to the definition of beauty and aesthetic language and terminology. These chapters are followed by a conclusion with the main findings of the research.