مآخذ أصحاب كُتُب معاني القرآن وإعرابه النحوية حتى القرن الرابع للهجرة

باسم محمد مزعل    مآخذ أصحاب كُتُب معاني القرآن وإعرابه النحوية حتى القرن الرابع للهجرة    ماجستير في اللغة العربية وآدابها / لغة .


     All praise is due to God, creator of the creation, granting  good, praise suits His dignity as he must be  praised, Prayer and peace be upon our master and prophet Mohammed and his progeny.

        Argument is considered as a life convention among creatures, moreover, it is considered as an operator for things and a reason for life continuity in general. According to this description, we could find differences hints in the grammatical thinking between two groups. Both are tackling Arabic grammar, the first is represented by the grammarians and the second is represented by the Holy Quran interpreters and Parsers when they work on one text, that is called the holy Quran argument seems clear to anyone concentrates in Quran meaning and parsing books. Due to the muchness and variety of this argument aspects, we decided to focus on the problematic issues concerning Quran meaning and parsing books to grammarians trying to investigate the cognitive principles of these criticisms reaching to a scientific evaluation to the presented opinions. In order to cover the topic, the topic was divided into three chapters according to the disputed item type and in parallel with grammarians convention by classifying speech into ( noun, verb, and preposition).

    The first chapter contained the criticisms towards grammarians in the noun section; pronouns and adverbs were included. The second chapter was devoted to verify these criticisms relating to verbs and their positions whether constructed or inflected and elements of constructing and inflecting of these verbs. The third chapter dealt with to verify criticisms of criticisms to grammarians in the prepositions section. This chapter was divided into sections according to these prepositions constructing. It has three sections distributed to single letter prepositions, double letters prepositions, and three letters prepositions. After a long journey of search with (Criticism of Grammarians by Holy Quran interpreters and Parsers up to the End of Fourth Hijri Century). The following results were drawn:

  1. Holy Quran Parsers were not satisfied with conveying the grammatical argument, rather they observed the opposite opinion of grammarians and they worked to criticize it by proofs and grammatical principles reasons. This indicates that Holy Quran Parsers possess brilliant though and sophisticated mind which is able to observe and correct mistake.

  2.I found existence a tendency of some parsers towards this school or the other to an opinion. It did not stand on a principled base or a grammatical evidence. This refers to presence of grammatical fanaticism which was represented by copper.

3.Rareness of Kufa doctrine argument in comparison to Basrah doctrine. This may relate to Kufa doctrine scholars such as Al Kesa’I, Al Fera’, and The’alib, who were not followed with publication growth by those who came after them. On the contrary, those who came after Basrah scholars worked to develop and complete the grammar.

4.Holy Quran Parsers did not criticize poets. This refers to the poetic texts prestige to parsers in argument. If there is deviation to rules and principles of grammar may be interpreted as poetic license Where the parser criticizes the grammarian.

5.Holy Quran Parsers ascribe some opinions to Al Fera’ and sometimes to Al Ikhfesh. We could not find that in their grammatical classification. This may indicate inaccuracy in conveying texts.