النكرة و المعرفة في كتاب سيبويه

نور صباح هاديالنكرة و  المعرفة في كتاب سيبويهالماجستير في اللغة العربية و آدابها /لغة


 The indefiniteness and definiteness are considered a case among others of Arabic language that are used in most grammatical concepts. For each has its own purposes and semantics that the other part does not violate. Thus, the researcher tried to investigate these concepts in which the indefinite and definite are used by Sepeway in his book. The study was divided into three chapters preceded by a preface and followed by conclusion that contains the most important results.

  The preface mentioned the definitionthe indefinite and definitethe indefinite and definite linguistically and terminologically wherethe most important linguistic concepts were displayed.

 The first chapter which is entitled ‘ the definite: number, types, and ranks according to degree of definiteness. It has three sections. The first was about their types and the second displayed their ranks in respect to the definiteness degree.

  The second chapter came under the title ofthe indefinite and definite the indefinite and definite In the constructed, derivatives, and suffixes. It has two sections. The first was devoted to definitions ofthe indefinite and definite in the constructed, while the second dealt withthe indefinite and definite in the derivatives and suffixes.

 The third chapter was entitled ‘ in various grammatical concepts, it has three sections. The first displaysthe indefinite and definitein fronting and its copies. The second displaysthe indefinite and definite in adverbs and accusatives. The third displays the indefinite and definite in the non-conjugated and the numbers.

 The study reached to the following results:

1.There are two criteria that govern this phenomenon: the formal and semantics.

2.The relative nouns are a branch of demonstrative nouns. That’s why Sepeway combined them under one title calling the ambiguous nouns.

3.Sepeway adopted matching principle between the question and the answer when deciding the whether they arethe indefinite and definite.

4.Sepeway devoted fronting only for the definite and admitted fronting by indefinite. This contained by obtaining the benefit.

5.Choosing some adverbs to inform certain times does not stand on a semantic base rather its way for predicting.

  1. The ‘tenwean’ in the concept of non-conjugated refers to reduction and not on indefiniteness.

  Finally, I pray Allah the success in order to serve our beautiful language.