أحكام الصناعات في الفقه الإسلامي – التكرير والتدوير أنموذجاً

عباس نبهان موحان هاشم

أحكام الصناعات في الفقه الإسلامي – التكرير والتدوير أنموذجاً  الماجستير في الشريعة والعلوم     الاسلامية


This study tackles the important Lndustrial Provisions in lslamic jurisprudence_ Refinement and Recycling as an example. The study is concerned with the most salient issues and questions pertaining the materials involved in the industries of refinement and recycling, like the provision of the religious cleanliness of recycled water, the religious cleanliness of recycled perfumes or that of materials which are alcohol based, selling bones of animals that have not been slaughtered according to Islamic shariaa, the issue of Khumus, mortgaging recyclable wastes, consuming gelatin and bone coal refined reed sugar, recycling the paper of the Holy Quran, etc….

The study has been divided into a preface, three chapters and conclusions as follows:

In the Preface, the title keywords and related concepts have been explained. It has been concluded that Islam has stressed the importance of industry for the significant role it plays in man’s welfare. The concepts of refinement and recycling and the correlation between them are also outlined. It has been concluded that both concepts signify the same meaning which is reviving products or manufacturing new products of utility for man.